Rush VR (PlayStation 4) Review

By Drew Hurley 20.01.2019

Review for Rush VR on PlayStation 4

There's always room for more VR racing games, and indie developers The Binary Mill is delivering one that sees players rush to see who can hit the ground first. Wingsuit Racing is amazing and terrifying, a real-life chance to experience flying like a superhero. Few will ever be fortunate enough to actually get to try it for real, and so once again VR gives an opportunity players may never have had. Already having landed on Oculus and Vive, Rush VR is now reaching PlayStation, once again letting players go diving off cliffs.

After getting through the initial introduction Rush VR offers up three modes of play, There's a race mode, a time attack, and a score attack mode. Regardless of which one is chosen the gameplay remains much the same: fall with style through glowing checkpoints until the goal is reached - avoiding environmental obstacles along the way. It seems quite limited at first, with only four maps to race through, but each map actually has twenty routes to traverse that act like completely different tracks in other racing games. This has gone old school with the progression based mechanics though, giving each route out individually, unlocking one after another after completing the stage in race mode.

The four maps give very different styled environments to race through. From green rolling hills of Verdant Valley and snowy peaks of the French Alps, to the rocky outcroppings of the Sunburst Canyon, and, finally, the razor-sharp ridges of Misty Mountain. What makes these stages more interesting is that the different routes give very different experiences. Not just different paths through the same stage, but also offering up different times of day and different weather conditions during the flight. Speeding towards a sunrise, seeing the helmet freeze up as snow begins to fall, or watching the sky light up with the flash of lightning during a raging thunderstorm.

Screenshot for Rush VR on PlayStation 4

Those environments always look decent enough. Graphically the game has gone for some cartoonish style poly textures as opposed to photo realism. When looking closely, the textures aren't as crisp as they could be, and there are plenty of overused assets. But, thanks to the fast movement the flaws are hardly noticeable.

At first, the stages are simple and at points too slow, feeling dull, slowly drifting down the side of a hill through the occasional checkpoint - a leisurely drop over green hills. This changes dramatically after just a few stages, as the game suddenly requires quick banking, dangerous turns, and tight squeezes between obstacles and through caves. Traversing obstacles with style is well rewarded too, filling a meter that can be unleashed for a speedy boost. An age-old problem with racing games, they can get old without plenty to keep them interesting. For Rush VR multiplayer is available for those who get bored with taking on bots.

One of the key aspects of VR is down to the controls and Rush VR opens up a huge amount of options. Whether it be via "looking" with the VR, tilting the head, utilizing the DualShock, or the best option, a pair of Move Controllers. The Move Controllers are held one in each hand and lifted or lowered to control altitude. It works really well, feeling immersive and smooth. However, considering the extreme movements, players who suffer from motion sickness may find this one affects them a little more than most VR titles out there.

Screenshot for Rush VR on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


Wingsuit diving is one of the most exhilarating experiences in the world, and while Rush VR can't replicate it, it still delivers an immersive rush. Every aspect of the game feels fluid and fast, but that's not always a good thing, as one of the fastest things is how it gets old. It will take only the most interested player to unlock all of the routes.


The Binary Mill


The Binary Mill





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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