By Luna Eriksson 04.06.2018
It is rough to pinpoint the exact moment when videogames went from being considered strictly for kids and immature people to being respected as an art form, but there it is. It's 2018 and games like Supposedly Wonderful Future have a heavy presence on the indie market; games that focus almost solely on telling an emotional, deep story about the human condition in a way only this medium can. The only question is, does Supposedly Wonderful Future do it well with its time-travelling theme and moral dilemmas? Read on as Cubed3 enters a future where even ageing itself has been denied…
There is something with time-travelling that is truly interesting in storytelling. It paints a picture of the future the author imagines and leaves much room for creativity and curiosity to awaken. Supposedly Wonderful Future is no exception from this wonderful tradition and builds a quite convincing, and interesting, world for the player to discover.
The world presented is one where there is no ageing, almost no extreme poverty or starvation, and most things can be fixed with medication. How interesting would it be then to discover the actual problems such a future would bring upon people? This is exactly what the narrative does and what makes it a truly formidable adventure/story read.
The premise is a cookie-cutter for the genre so generic it is still relatively unused. The story starts with the protagonist meeting a stranger who claims to be from the future and needs the player's help to solve some problems only an outside perspective can help with, with the offer of letting people live in this utopian setting where most current problems are gone as the reward.
After this point, things set up a dark, yet fully human and relatable, atmosphere and let the player make tough choices throughout the whole experience, which have an impact and consequences. It is clever and interesting as many of the choices are of a morally questionable nature, where there sometimes there is no "right" choice, but only bad ones presented in some truly hopeless situations.
Not only that, the game has some wonderful world-building and plot twists that truly tie the bow around the experience. Supposedly Wonderful Future is a truly emotional trip to the future with a visual novel feeling with some point and click segments. It is a title that has to be played to be experienced. There are some elements that could have used some more work, though. The art is straight up ugly and goes right into the uncanny valley. It is uncertain if this is intentional or not, as considering the theme it seems like a deliberate choice, but it is such a glaring issue in what is otherwise a great product from start to finish.
What Supposedly Wonderful Future does definitely get very right is its length. It is a story that has to be experienced in one sitting, or one sitting per "day," and the length makes it easy to play through without breaks, but also to enjoy in smaller doses on a daily basis. While some would complain it is a short experience (being shy of about four hours), there is no need for it to be any longer. It is such an emotional roller coaster that the impact left will last longer than in a lot of other games, even those behemoths.
Some titles aim towards being art more than games, and Supposedly Wonderful Future truly falls into this category and does it with flying colours. Everything is perfectly planned out from start to finish in a beautiful way for maximum impact.
There has been a long discussion throughout the ages as to whether videogames can be considered art. While many people critical towards this statement have been silenced over the last decade, Supposedly Wonderful Future offers yet another argument to silence those who still haven't been convinced. It is a wonderfully designed point-and-click adventure that truly plays on the emotions, with players having to make tough choices where no option is really good or fully satisfying, just like in real life. This being set in a Supposedly Wonderful Future adds much to the experience as it both opens up for interesting choices with unfamiliar topics, but also shows of a great cynicism, and at times hope and curiosity.
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