Myst III: Exile (PC) Review

By Athanasios 31.10.2017

Review for Myst III: Exile on PC

Myst wowed the adventure side of the gaming world, and Riven actually managed to be the better game in almost every possible way… and then there’s Myst III: Exile. Theoretically, this could be it - the one that could fix the very few flaws of its forbearers, and thus reach absolute perfection. Unfortunately, it decided to “not fix what wasn’t broken,” and as a result, offered the same things all over again, while decreasing the fan factor a notch or two, despite a pretty impressive budget at the hands of the developer. Does this mean that there’s no reason to visit the mystical world of the Ages this time around? Not really…

Like Riven before it, Myst III is impressively photorealistic. Furthermore, it’s now possible to look in a full 360 degree angle. Note, however, that this is still a glorified slideshow, thus moving from area to area requires clicking on some sections of the “slides” in order to do so. Unfortunately, in practice it will be easy to get disorientated when moving around, similar to the original Myst. Plus, while gorgeous visually, this has also lost part of its unreal charm. It looks to real, instead of surreal, if that makes any sense. Not always, of course. This has plenty of pretty vistas to offer. Stylistically, the worlds this begins in is a lot like the Age of Riven… but they don’t really have the same otherworldly feel - it’s a “dry” Riven, if you will.

The rest of the Ages (the different worlds that will be visited here) look less like real places, and more like theme parks; “tree-land,” “machine-land,” and so on. Finally, when it comes to the overall structure of this micro-verse, this is sadly a lot more linear than before, which reinforces the feel of something that’s more like a video game, rather than a “real” world that are you are free to explore and find out on your own. Again, not always. Mainly compared to what came before. Real, shmear, one might say, as this fortunately remains a very fun, immersive adventure. While the plot is not very original for something that takes place in the fantasy land of Myst, it has a very strong tie to the lore of the franchise, as well as a strong focus on the actual characters, and especially the bad guy.

Screenshot for Myst III: Exile on PC

The story once again follows the ‘Stranger,’ who is… you, as he or she tries to keep an Age safe from harm; an Age stolen by a savage man named Saavedro. Marvellously portrayed by Brad Dourif, this tragic villain is actually a man that’s easy to sympathise with, although he is as dangerous as he is desperate. The only problem with that great fellow is that he doesn’t have as much screen time as he should, although many times he actually manages to shine through his absence. Of course, make no mistake, the “meat” of it all is, once again, the puzzles.

Are they challenging? Yes, and in the right way. Are they good? They are great. Is that enough? Not by a long shot. Why? Mainly due to the fact that, like with the world itself, they are bit too… video game-y, where the ones in previous titles felt like they “belonged” there. Other than that, the main problem with the puzzles, and with Myst III as a whole, is that it doesn’t really try anything new. It’s the same game all over again, and as a result, a good experience, but also slightly inferior and a bit been-there-done-that.

Screenshot for Myst III: Exile on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10

Myst III: Exile looks fantastic, has a great plot, an awesome main villain, and the puzzles are, once again, pleasantly difficult, but at the same time all about logical thinking. In other words, this is a great adventure… but only for fans of the series, and only as long as are ok with more of the same.





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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