GNOG (PlayStation 4) Review

By Thom Compton 13.05.2017

Review for GNOG on PlayStation 4

Virtual reality hasn't become the juggernaut Oculus might have hoped, but it's gained more traction than many ever thought it would. With Valve and Sony getting in on the game, the world has been graced with several dozen interesting games that utilise virtual reality. Still, studios are smart and realise that not everyone can be an early adopter of the virtual reality craze. Many have gone back and patched their little VR masterpieces to support good old TV and computer screens. As a brief disclaimer, this review of Gnog was done without the benefit of virtual reality. In turn, that may have been the problem.

Gnog tasks the player with opening nine different packages. Yes, before you ask, that is it. Each of these parcels requires multiple steps to open, which is where the player comes in. For those out there without virtual reality, the game has the player selecting various gadgets, in a particular order, to eventually unlock the inner contents of each package. Apparently, the folks at Ko_Op studios send out trippy vibes, because that's what's waiting for the player.

Gnog has a very unique look to it, like an acid trip, but for children. In virtual reality, it probably looks fantastic, because on a television it definitely does. Each package transports the player to a world, and while the focus is on the goodies floating in the middle of the world, there's a lot of fun stuff happening in the background.

The sound goes a long way to helping to enhance the immersion. The music does a good job of being present, but doesn't get in the way. This allows the player to experience it and be more in tune with the world without being distracted by having to turn down their TV or ignore what they are hearing to focus on a particular action.

Screenshot for GNOG on PlayStation 4

How does it play, then? That's where it all gets rough. Gnog sounds like the polar opposite of a room escape game, where the player must get in. In all reality, it's really a clicker. There's no time limit or anything intense that happens when you fail. The player is left to click on everything until something eventually works. Even on the occasion you have to use some brain power, the puzzles aren't generally all that difficult.

Really, this turns out to almost defeat the entire point. Puzzles don't require much more than tenacity. For the trophy hunters out there, the trophy list is super easy to finish. For the remainder of you, there's a chance you'll finish the game so quickly that it feels like a waste of time. It's not, because the world is plenty exciting and interesting on its own. That's good because the actual gameplay here is rather simplistic. With only nine puzzles to solve, there's just not a lot of content for the price tag.

To address the original point, this all seems like it would be more enjoyable in virtual reality. Being dropped into each of these conundrums would probably be much more exciting if the player felt completely consumed by the universe. This is, of course, just an educated guess. This is one where the virtual reality owners may benefit, but it's hard to tell. Regardless of whether or not it's on your television or a quarter of an inch from your eye, there's just not very much to do in Gnog, and after a single afternoon, the player may be left much more disappointed than when they started.

Screenshot for GNOG on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


Gnog is a basic clicking game with a great universe and some simple puzzles on the side. For a kid, this would be immensely rewarding. For puzzle fans, this won't even begin to feel rewarding. Perhaps with deeper puzzles, Gnog would feel a bit more enticing. Currently, though, it's just a lot of bells and whistles with little reward for the player's precious time.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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