By Thom Compton 01.05.2017
If you have never played Romance of the Three Kingdoms, like some reviewers, then it may not make sense to jump in right here just because of an expansion. Sure, the expansion could be great, but if the core game is terrible, what's the point? Fortunately, here, that's not something you will need to worry about. The base game is fantastic, and the expansion does just enough to spread the excitement out, without making it any thinner. Cubed3 recently took at look at the excellent PlayStation 4 version, and now it is time to check out Koei Tecmo's release on PC.
The Fame and Strategy expansion adds just enough depth to make the expansion feel like it has a deep sense of purpose. Being able to marry and have offspring is really enjoyable, and with this expansion, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII manages to feel like a fully realised world. The amount of added content, such as the Fame, or Prestige system, which effects multiple facets of the officers' lives, is very impressive. Along with the ability to create scenarios, and better pre-battle planning, there's a lot to love about this new pack.
For any newcomers, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII is an astounding masterpiece in terms of strategy. Stories are rich and vibrant, taking the player into each of the titular three kingdoms. What's jaw dropping is how powerful each of the characters is, and how instantly players can fall in love with their stories. Coupled with the absolutely stunning artwork, gorgeous music, and the many artistic details that go into this, gamers are left with something that almost feels real.
Strategy titles can be a bit daunting at first, but Fame and Strategy does a good job of making things easy to understand. There are still times where it's not clear what the player should be doing, but once they get into the swing of things, it's very easy. Completing errands for friends, engaging in large battles, and going through life with these characters makes everything feel so genuine and alive.
Fame and Strategy works because it simply builds on the already strong foundation. While it leaves some issues behind, it fixes others. It's less important what it manages to fix, though, compared to what it manages to add. By adding depth to each character's personal life, as well as their life fighting for their kingdom, those in control will now feel like they are growing with the characters, and it works very well indeed.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack is a great release, both in terms of its base, but also when it comes to the expansion element, which is where all too often other games can go off the rails. They either don't offer enough change to be justified, or they change things too dramatically when it was neither necessary, nor called for. The Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack manages to find a nice spot in the middle. Any fan of the original would be remiss to overlook it, and any newcomers should pick it up with the base game for a fantastic experience.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13
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