Flying Bunny (PlayStation 4) Second Opinion Review

By Thom Compton 16.04.2017

Review for Flying Bunny on PlayStation 4

A lot of people won't tell others the games they play. Some gamers might rock Halo 5 at the night time, and then play Candy Crush on the way to work. Cubed3 isn't here to judge, but merely point out that gamers often have their own guilty pleasures. One of the biggest is Flappy Bird, a game many lamented as the very definition of dumb fun. While its gameplay has been imitated in many other games, usually in the form of Flappy Goat or some other tack on, only a handful have tried to refine the basic gameplay. None has done it so well as Flying Bunny manages to.

Flying Bunny takes the basic idea of Flappy Bird, essentially requiring the player to raise and lower their character to avoid obstacles. Flying Bunny takes it a bit further and incorporates bullet hell mechanics. Turtles float in the air, some of which actively seek to harm you, and then a boss is tackled. These bosses are everything from a giant blowfish to a huge turnip with a face. If all of this sounds incredibly weird, then the general vibe has been conveyed.

While it might be weird, it handles perfectly. Moving up and down the screen, dodging turtles and giant bullets from the boss is simple to grasp and execute. While occasionally a collision will occur that is obviously unfair, manoeuvring the screen feels like an extension of your hands, and it works wonderfully.

Screenshot for Flying Bunny on PlayStation 4

Again, though, players may find some of the hits are unfair, and since the game features permadeath, they may end up back at the main menu a little too early. There are three starting characters, and many of the other characters handle differently. They are all behind walls unlocked by completing challenges with the other characters. Some of these challenges are a bit ludicrous, but they act like the challenges in auto-runner games.

All of this sounds a bit ridiculous, and to some extent it is. Flying Bunny revels in this ridiculousness, though. The artwork and music are exactly what might be expected, heavily inspired by anime, and completely absurd. This is what makes the game so much fun. While there are times that collision is off, it's easy to get lost in a world completely without logic. It feels like anything can happen, regardless if it makes any sort of sense. While it may not make many gamers feel smarter or like they really accomplished something, its refined chaos and willingness to be plain ridiculous makes it a guilty pleasure players shouldn't feel so bad about indulging in.

Screenshot for Flying Bunny on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Flying Bunny is a head scratch that mustn't be ignored. It's not the deepest game, and a lot of the time many gamers will be wondering what they are even doing playing it. Give into the indulgence, and there's a really unique experience here. By taking mechanics many players scoff at and melding them with mechanics that many enjoy, Flying Bunny is left behind. It holds it together, though, and becomes an instant arcade darling.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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