The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood (Game Boy Advance) Review

By Alex Allison 05.05.2006

King of Fighters Neoblood could easily be labelled as a thief, it takes all the best aspects of the established fighting series' and combines them into what it desires to be (a match of it's own title!). The way it decides to do this however is 100% individual on comparison, as it finds it's home on the humble GBA. The fighter deprived console is treated to some ass kicking action and speed of light combos via the KoF tournament; the full package of fighting stereotypes here will leave you wondering why you had bothered looking for a beat 'em up on the Advance prior to this.

It's an update and improvement of King of Fighters '99 from the NESTS saga. Once it found the GBA, the results weren't alarming; the sales weren't high and it was given average reviews. The main changes were the control technique, the inclusion 3 new characters. Even with this unfortunate birth, KoF went on to inspire a sequel on the Advance: King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood. It was met with open arms during a time when Nintendo's mainstream handheld was getting it's classic titles at snails pace, but in my opinion, it wasn't as good a game.

Your mission is simple: Pick a team of fighters and embark on your journey in the King of Fighters tournament. You'll come across familiar faces as you attempt to wipe out the competition, beating them to a pulp before they manage to pull of some super moves to KO you first. The simple fighting moves are your limitations: Crouch, jump, move, punch, kick and grab, however, these controls work very well compared to the other fighters on the GBA.

Screenshot for The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood on Game Boy Advance

KoF does have a storyline, it's down to you to debate which game it's most reminiscent of (Evil genius sets up fighting tournament to attract all the best fighters in the land for malicious purpose.), but in any case, you can be sure that your chose characters will be striving to be king (or queen!) for their own secret motivation. In any case, the storyline provides a vague incentive and an urgent message to which you'll respond with some major button bashing.

The spectrum of characters is hilarious for fighter fans; here's a rundown of just a few characters they've used:

Benimaru - Paul (Tekken)
Moe – Sammy (Street Fighter)
Choi – Voldo (Soul Calibur)
Ryo – Jin (Tekken)
Chang – Zangief (Street Fighter)
Kim – Law (Tekken)
Mai – Hitomi (Dead or Alive)

Screenshot for The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood on Game Boy Advance

They all have similar moves but some team combinations are more effective than others even though ultimately if you only pick the girls with big knockers, it won't matter.

The graphics style is very Street Fighter-esque. A lovely 2D, locked on view with bold and extravagant characters on a variety of backdrops. They've taken this classic concept and arguably improved on anything we've seen like it before. You'll never spot a glitch or flaw in the rapid deliveries your character will inflict. These intense scenarios contrast shockingly with the drab and tiresome cut scenes which, unfortunately, are the same for every character. But never fear! They don't drag on and because of the beauty of cartridges a loading time scenario is NEVER an issue.

The music has a quick tempo and is entirely charming, the tracks are repeated but you shouldn't really mind. The game drags you into the genre and theme and the music plays a big part in this.

The main disappointment you'll encounter is the disappointment over the longevity of the game; although it's fun for a pick up and play environment, the storyline and scenario of the game is the same every time, there's not much to keep coming back for. However, for those of you who feel comfortable being labelled as a 'casual gamer', you'll be perfectly content to pay the KoF tournament on plural spanned out occasions.

Screenshot for The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood on Game Boy Advance

The multiplayer is a typical fighter style, via the link cable you can enter Single or Team play. This is pretty standard level connectivity, but the satisfaction is immense. Because of the captivation the game exhales upon the player, your friend and you will be empowered by the multiplayer for hours, perfect for a plane ride or long car journey. The best part about multiplayer though, is most certainly the difference in the challenge it provides! The poor AI standard in regular play can sometimes be a real downer as you can button bash your way through most fights without looking at the screen, but the fresh mindset multiplayer puts you in is a whole new situation, you will plan your moves, pull off vital combos and amaze your friends with your super skills. It's the side of the fighting game that we've all wanted most on our Nintendo handheld.

KoF will capture a fighting gamers heart; the up beat tempo, seamless visuals and extensive variety will satisfy those of you who have endeavoured for a pick up and play fighter on the Advance, whether it's individual enough to stay in your pocket for more than a few weeks is a different matter.

Screenshot for The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood on Game Boy Advance

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

King of Fighters is a top choice if you're after a good fighting game on Game Boy Advance. It's easy to learn and looks really impressive. Certainly if fighter fans are after a new game to fill their craving on the handheld, this is worth a go.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

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