Legna Tactica (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Renan Fontes 03.02.2017

Review for Legna Tactica on Nintendo 3DS

When it comes to strategy RPGs, the 3DS isn't particularly lacking in content. Fire Emblem alone features four entries on the handheld, with a fifth on the way, while both Devil Survivor entries were ported and enhanced early on in the 3DS' life. Add in a few cheap eShop titles, plus The Sacred Stones for 3DS ambassadors, and it's safe to say that the DS successor is a haven for SRPGs this generation. With such a large library of titles to choose from, any SRPG that finds its way in Nintendo's corner needs to have a hook—and Legna Tactica's hook is trying to be as much like Final Fantasy Tactics as it can get away with.

Taking too much inspiration from one source can lead to a product feeling uninspired, lacking a proper identity of its own, and this is exactly the problem with Legna Tactica.

The story follows Leck, a young soldier thrust into a world of clashing ideologies and political conflicts that feel all too similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. Leck, himself, is a very weak protagonist paling in comparison to the Ramza he so desperately wants to be.

Dialogue options are featured to add some degree of control to the story, but Leck's choices don't require or promote any sort of deliberation. These moments are too brief to be impactful and seem to exist solely to justify having multiple endings.

Multiple endings certainly need justification given their very nature, but Legna Tectica seems to feature it purely because other SRPGs have had multiple endings, instead of for its own benefit. It's a design philosophy that unfortunately plagues the whole product.

Screenshot for Legna Tactica on Nintendo 3DS

Maps have depth in the sense that units can move to higher or lower altitudes depending on the design of the stage, but lack depth in that enemies are pathetically easy and require no real strategy to defeat. A unit that's on a higher plane than another will get an advantage when attacking, but the mechanic serves no real purpose other than ending battles sooner than they would have otherwise.

With depth, maps could have been designed accordingly and challenged Leck's party. Final Fantasy Tactics often used depth as an incentive to promote smarter play styles, but Legna Tactica is seemingly content with including mechanics that it doesn't quite understand.

To its credit, there is a skill tree that, while hardly unique, does stand out as one of the few original ideas that isn't ripped directly from a better strategy game. Skills, however, are never fully realised, as there's little to actually challenge Leck's party enough to necessitate smart upgrading.

From the game design, to the music, to the writing, Legna Tactica comes off amateurish. Dialogue is littered with exposition to the point of exhaustion, and maps feel slapped together at the last minute. For a title that pays so much homage to Final Fantasy Tactics, it's baffling how much it gets wrong, and that's unacceptable on a handheld where strategy RPGs are well made and plentiful.

Screenshot for Legna Tactica on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


Legna Tactica's biggest flaw is that it simply cannot compare to the 3DS' already strong strategy library. The combat lacks the depth of Fire Emblem, the story doesn't hold a candle to Devil Survivor, and the price is much higher than either Mercenaries Saga title, despite being similarly generic. The actual campaign is tedious and the maps are reminiscent of Final Fantasy Tactics in the worst ways possible. There's no thought behind any mechanic, leading to a distinct lack of identity, where every possible positive quality can be attributed to a far better game. Legna Tactica may work on a technical level, but that's hardly a reason to justify a full playthrough, let alone a purchase.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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