Motorsport Manager (PC) Review

By Gabriel Jones 22.11.2016

Review for Motorsport Manager on PC

In becoming a successful Motorsport Manager, Gregory Stokes has endured many trials and tribulations. Despite his complete lack of qualifications or experience, he found himself employed at a world-class racing team. In fact, all he wrote on his resume is that his favourite video game is Daytona USA, which doesn't even have anything to do with F1 racing, let alone a managerial position. Nevertheless, his success is proof that anyone can lead an F1 team, provided they have patience, resolution, and know how to turn a profit.

Like Gregory, anyone that starts a new career in Motorsport Manager is expected to spend at least a few minutes getting acclimated with racing. During a race, Greg's job is to monitor the status of the driver's cars, their position, the weather, and anything else that could affect their chances of winning. The situation is always changing, and it's up to Gregory to develop strategies, as well as call drivers in for pit stops when necessary. The driver strategy basically determines how much fuel and tires they're willing to burn. Finding the right balance between catching up to the pack, holding a position, or overtaking the leader can't be ignored. A good pit stop is everything, because the cars need their tanks refuelled and tires replaced. Pit stops also have to be spaced out accordingly. In other words, try to avoid hitting the pits more than once every five to six laps. There are some other nuances to account for, like not topping off the tank at every stop. Unnecessary amounts of fuel can slow the car down. Timing the implementation of driver strategies to coincide with pit stops is ideal, but anything can happen on the track.

After his first race, Gregory met with the racing team. He signed on with Dragon Race Team China… one of the worst in the league. Racing teams have three drivers, one of which is the reserve. Their #2 driver, Nick Chu, was as Greg put it, "A decent driver, but about as marketable as stale bread." On the other side of the coin was driver #1, Bao Tàng. Bao is a rockstar and everyone knows it. He's usually throwing some $250,000 party, is always seen with celebrities or politicians, and his sponsors pay out the big bucks whenever he's behind the wheel. Needless to say, Bao's poor driving skills were often overlooked. Unlike Nick, Bao didn't have any potential, so his driving skills could never really improve, no matter how many races he participated in. Bao's prima donna attitude also led to frequent problems outside of the track.

Screenshot for Motorsport Manager on PC

Even if Dragon Race Team had the greatest drivers, they wouldn't be able to accomplish much, because they have the 9th best cars in the league. It's clear that the company prefers to horde money, rather than invest in anything that would make them remotely competitive. As soon as Gregory started, he had his designer develop a new engine, while mechanics worked on the performance and reliability for the other parts. Emergency repairs can be dealt with during pit stops, but it becomes a problem when Greg's team is the only one repeatedly having mechanical failures. Another interesting aspect is that while it's possible to design parts that don't comply with GMA (Global Motorsport Association) standards, there is a slight risk involved. Gregory never tried it, because the possibility of getting caught and losing points in the final standings is too great for him.

Before the race, there's always the qualification run. This is the best opportunity for the racers to get a feel for the track, and the manager to determine the speed balance, downforce, and handling of the cars. Most qualifying runs last for a few laps, so depending on the driver's suggestions, it might be necessary to make a few adjustments. Granted, the perfect setup doesn't guarantee a win, and sometimes races are undone by just plain bad luck. During one race, in particular, Bao's was hit from behind by an opponent, which tore his rear aero. The extra time spent in the pit stop effectively took him out of the competition.

Nothing comes for free, and an F1 racing team isn't any different. The reason why marketability is essential is because it attracts sponsors, and they're the chief source of funding. Some will give a certain amount of money for every race, while others will present a large upfront sum. There are also sponsors who pay out for achieving a desired result in the races. More than anything, consistency is what makes for successful managers. Never take a sponsor's offer for a 2nd place finish, if both drivers can rarely get above 8th. On the other hand, managers might enjoy the thrill of working with razor thin profits, even if it means the financials turn a deep shade of crimson, if they don't make the top three at every race.

Screenshot for Motorsport Manager on PC

To add to this, the racing team isn't working just because they're passionate about racing. They have contracts that will need to be renewed, provided the manager doesn't decide to cut them off and hire someone else. Breaking contracts can get expensive, so it's worth taking the time to measure the pros and cons. Greg admits that when Nick Chu's contract was nearing its end. He came to the negotiation table with a slight raise and a bonus if Nick took at least 8th place. Unfortunately, Nick found the offer to be insulting. Instead of renegotiating, Gregory got in touch with his scouting agent. With his assistance, Greg found a reserve driver that'd be more than willing to take Nick's place, at half the price. It's more than just cost cutting, because she also has greater potential for skill growth and a much higher marketability rating.

Investing in the headquarters is also beneficial for ambitious managers. Various buildings, such as ones devoted to scouting or driving simulators, can be constructed and upgraded. This is definitely something worth considering, because these facilities can improve performance or generate additional income. Best of all, unlike cars, they don't require any additional upkeep. At the beginning of a new season, an F1 car is essentially built from scratch. Alongside the massive upfront cost, the parts also have to be redesigned. Managers, who aren't managing their time or income properly for next season, will find themselves running into the same problems, as when they first started their career. It's frustrating, but it's also another reason why good drivers and solid pit stop tactics are imperative to winning.

Screenshot for Motorsport Manager on PC

When asked about his career, Gregory admits that sometimes it can feel like actual work. He spends lots of time looking at charts, taking feedback into consideration, and dealing with workplace issues. These tasks aren't very appealing on their own, but in a way, they're considerably satisfying. He then goes on to explain that setting the pace is what makes it enjoyable. Some managers might prefer longer races, more gruelling schedules, and higher penalties for failure, and that's good. Those sorts of opportunities are always available. On the other hand, someone might only want to work an hour or so per day, manage a couple races, and then focus their energies on other endeavours. That's what makes being a Motorsport Manager so great. People who don't know the first thing about F1 racing can get an idea of how everything works. No matter how much they dedicate themselves, they'll always feel rewarded.

Gregory was also very impressed by how smooth and effective the interface was. All of the pertinent information is within reach, so there's never a moment of confusion. All he has to do is lean back in his desk, and let his mouse handle all of the work. The option to fast forward or pause during races is also welcome. The default settings tend to be a little slow. The bird's-eye view of the action is appreciated, and it's still just as intense for Greg, when he sees one of his drivers trying to take the lead in the final lap. The presentation is all around solid.

Screenshot for Motorsport Manager on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Although Gregory Stokes hasn't managed to get his racing team out of 9th place, he still recommends that anyone who has an interest in being a Motorsport Manager to give it shot. It's a career that can be tailormade to suit anyone. All that's necessary is the right mindset. Naturally, they can't expect immediate gratification. There's also the possibility that they'll struggle to make any real progress. It does deliver a different sort of excitement, though; one that can't be found blasting alien invaders, or trading blows with a martial arts master. In the end, this is a career that revolves around setting goals and achieving them, while attempting to exceed expectations. The choices other managers make will differ from Greg's, which is what makes the experience so personalised and fulfilling.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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