One Way Heroics (PC) Review

By Eric Ace 04.11.2016

Review for One Way Heroics on PC

One Way Heroics is a rogue-like game developed by Smoking Wolf and published by AGM Playism that tasks players with trying to power up against a demon lord when the world they live in is turns away from being swallowed by darkness. Note that this title and its expansion One Way Heroics Plus is not the same game that may be seen on PSN or Steam with the very similar name of Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics which is from Spike Chunsoft. The adventure that unfolds is of the hero that must always venture to the right to outrun the darkness lest he is swallowed like everything else in the world.

The game is a no-holds-barred rogue-like. You name the character, select a class, set some minor stats, and you are thrown into a world with essentially no story and no tutorial. It is sink or swim pretty fast, as with every turn the darkness to the left comes a little closer. It swallows up everything, and a few steps into the game, soldiers around are dying as they are swallowed up.

Heading out into the unknown, everything must be found. From food to eat, to better weapons lying on the ground, it is a constant battle of whether there is enough time to go out of the way to go get it. Combat occurs in turn-based fashion, and in general it is never a major threat so much as a thing to slow the character down. It especially becomes an issue of whether to stick around fighting, or start running away again. It is actually pretty fun as exploring any dungeon or town becomes a question of if there is enough time.

Screenshot for One Way Heroics on PC

One Way Heroics is not without its issues, however. The first are the graphics and the UI. It is no joke to say the visuals and the whole game could probably be done on the original NES - they are distractingly bad. Furthermore, there is a lot of info on the screen, and, quite frankly, it is jammed in way too tight, even with options that leave much of it an unintelligible mess.

This is a single "adventure," - a one run. Win or lose, and afterwards it's possible to put a few items into a bank to be used later, or unlock a new class or new stat boost. In general, though, there is no typical 'slowly power up' system, as other rogue-likes tend to have, which is surely a negative thing. Furthermore, there really isn't a story here, or any kind of narrative. Just head out, survive on some small mission, and do it all again.

Mixed with the fact that each character and run is separate, and that there is very little that rolls over to new characters, the replay can be either extreme: high, or nearly non-existent. The later seems to be the better case, as there are only very minor things that differentiate one run from the next. With little reason to "do it all again," a few runs will have most players tired, and with a feeling of having seen the majority of what there is to see.

Screenshot for One Way Heroics on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


One Way Heroics is fun for a run or two, and the quick learning required is a major source of the enjoyment on the first playthrough. There are a lot of things holding it back, though, and bad graphics/UI are a major issue to begin with. Furthermore, the fun factor due to the novelty of "what happens next?" does not exist here. The fundamental depth of this title is not enough to encourage long term play - the price of entry is cheap, but don't come expecting something worthwhile.


Smoking Wolf




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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