Avoider (Wii U) Review

By Renan Fontes 15.10.2016

Review for Avoider on Wii U

The Wii U is a double-edged sword when it comes to indie games. On the one hand, it offers developers an easily accessible platform to publish games and get their feet in the water. On the other, it also promotes an abundance of low effort, low quality titles with low price tags that lure in unsuspecting buyers like sirens. At a measly US$2, or £2.69 in its UK bundle of it plus Peg Solitaire, does Avoider manage to break free from its stereotypes, or is it just another cog in the shovelware machine?

Avoider has one objective: avoid enemy ships and achieve a high score. Said high score can then be posted onto Miiverse for the sake of promoting more play. There's an arcade-y feel to the high score aspect, but there's really not too much substance to it. The GamePad's touch screen is used to move the ships around for the sake of avoiding, and it's weirdly not that fluid. Dodging feels rough and the touch screen's necessity is questionable given the lack of smooth movement. There's nothing the GamePad offers that a control scheme could have optimised.

It's almost Atari-esque in nature, and it's very possible that RCMADIAX, the developer, sought to capture that vintage atmosphere, but the package lacks any real or lasting substance. The first minute plays just like the last.

Screenshot for Avoider on Wii U

Hypothetically speaking, a game staying static from start to finish isn't necessarily a bad thing. Developers can take advantage of a single screen to pack in as much challenge as possible while also allowing for growth. Unfortunately, Avoider lacks the polish and design to make the most out of its simple premise. There are no strategies to develop or new techniques to discover and learn, there's just a mindless desire to avoid for a few minutes before heading back to the eShop to find a way to request a refund.

Ultimately, it's narrow minded design that keeps Avoider from doing just about anything interesting with its concept. An homage is not inherently bad, and there are plenty of great games based around showing appreciation of classics, but they also try something new and add their own new spin. RCMADIAX doesn't try hard or add anything at all, instead opting for a simple dodging mini-game that's been done countless times before in arcades, on Atari systems, and even full fleshed out games. Boring and lacking any real incentive to keep playing, Avoider is just another spot on the Wii U's stain of mediocre digital titles.

Screenshot for Avoider on Wii U

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 2 out of 10

Very Bad

Avoider is very much trying to hearken back to the Atari era of videogames with its simplicity, and that's a fine goal to have, but it also suffers from the exact same problems of that era without adding any modern design philosophies into the fray. Tedium rules Avoider's world. Playing through the same scenario over and over again for a high score can only be fun so many times. The lack of real skill or growth also hinders the dodging simulator from being anything other than an unpolished homage. At an incredibly low price tag, it might seem worth it, but it would just be throwing away money at a product with a shelf life of half an hour - if that.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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