Combo Quest 2 (iOS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 11.10.2016

Review for Combo Quest 2 on iOS

A new hectic arcade experience is to be found in Combo Quest 2 which uses the tools the device gives it to deliver a traditional feeling arcade experience to the pockets of gamers, as the successor to the first Combo Quest.

Simplicity is sometimes one of the most powerful tools when it comes to creating a great gaming experience, this is especially true when it comes to arcade titles which are meant to serve as small bursts of fun, and therefore need to be easy to get into and easy to plug out off. This is a feeling that Combo Quest 2 captures wonderfully in this old-school inspired arcade-like for iOS.

The gameplay is extremely simple and self-explanatory: just tap on the screen whenever the cursor is over a block to win. Sounds simple? That is because it is! However, in true arcade style, Combo Quest 2 gets more and more difficult until the player fails, or completes the entire stage - whichever comes first. If the player would fail there is a slight punishment in the form of a short period of waiting for them to keep them from playing or pay some gold to continue.

Screenshot for Combo Quest 2 on iOS

This adds to the pressure of winning true arcade-style, and yet this never gets as obnoxious as these timeouts can be in smart phone titles. The cost to go on is also very negligible as the gold is earned faster than the player is likely to ever spend them on continues. The true pull for buying extra currency is simply to get new characters, which is very much possible even as a free-only player, but at a slow rate. This creates a healthy "freemium" game experience.

Combo Quest 2 is also a very stable iOS title that is easy to get into and out from. The simplicity mixed with the fun it offers through its arcade style with permanent boosts such as new characters and purchase-able perks makes it something that is really fun and that stands out in many positive ways.

Screenshot for Combo Quest 2 on iOS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

It is really difficult not to enjoy Combo Quest 2. When seeing that it has a P2W currency warning flags are quick to appear, but it handles it better than most, as this is barely a means to unlock highly optional content faster. It does, however, offer a true arcade feeling that is extremely easy to get into and to get out due to its simple gameplay; gameplay that gets more and more difficult until the player can't handle the pressure - and once that happens, some wait, or some will insert coins in the slot and get it going again!






Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


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