Goetia (PC) Review

By Adam Riley 31.07.2016

Review for Goetia on PC

After garnering plenty of interest on the crowdfunding front, Moeity and Sushee joined forces to bring the world a point-and-click adventure like no other - Goetia, a new outing backed by the Square Enix Collective project. Rather than take the usual stance of having a main character wander around from place to place, Goetia ditches both that idea and the traditional inventory system in favour of letting players basically control a globe of light throughout and possess useful objects. Such drastic changes to a tried-and-tested formula can have severe repercussions, but how does this hold up?

Goetia is not set in modern day times, and it becomes quite apparent almost immediately from the surroundings and style of writing used in the journals discovered early on. It is also apparent that the lead character has long since passed and is only here in spirit form, with players controlling a mere sphere of light rather than a regular perambulatory protagonist. This, though, does add an intriguing element of being able to pass through walls, floors, and even possess certain items found around the various locations visited in the deserted UK village of Oakmarsh. There are some restrictions, as expected, which can be unlocked as the game goes on, and this is the main purpose of Goetia; delve deeper, unlock new areas, and solve the mysteries within.

Moving the cursor leads to the ethereal being following the movement and floating about, yet there are other forces are at play, preventing her - Abigail Blackwood, waking up after 40 years, and understandably confused - from accessing specific sections of the world she inhabits, as well as within her former (or current, since her mind is stuck attached to the past) home, Blackwood Manor. The entire setting is eerie, drumming up the tension levels impressively right from the get-go, and maintaining it throughout, especially when devilish demons are witnessed. Nothing is handed to you on a plate, either, with those in control having to work hard to uncover mere snippets of information, piecing together various sketchy clues that are dotted about. On top of that, most of the game proves to be surprisingly non-linear, allowing for areas to be explored in whatever order pleased.

Screenshot for Goetia on PC

Goetia is definitely the sort of title where sheer effort is rewarded and overcoming the - sometimes almost frustratingly obtuse - challenges is abundantly satisfying. That is not to say there are absolutely no hitches, since, for instance, later on it might not be apparent how to crack a puzzle. Read journal after journal to figure out a secret code, or possess an object and float it all over the place and try to use it with something else (yes, there is no inventory here, since ghosts don't really have pockets...)? Well, the former is simple enough thanks to journal shortcuts for key pages read previously, but the latter is certainly not always the best course of action since it could actually be the wrong object, and guiding it around the long way - as the non-corporeal entity might be fine going through floors and walls, but solid objects cannot do the same thing - is tiring and cumbersome, especially when realising it was the wrong option and said object needs to be dragged all the way back.

Thankfully, most conundrums of this ilk are solved by using objects with items nearby to prevent tedium kicking in…but there is the chance to fall into this longwinded pit, sadly. As for the head-scratchers, there will indeed be some hair-pulling moments, but for those that take all of the extras in - reading all of the supplementary notes and journals about events and crazed experiments - will find the solution eventually, and start unlocking the coloured magical force-fields blocking progression soon enough. Any frustrations with puzzles are overcome by the in-depth and expertly done story-telling element, drawing players in quickly and not letting them go until the end, and it is all wrapped up in a gloomy-yet-beautiful atmospheric bundle to boost the ambience perfectly.

Screenshot for Goetia on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Even from its early demo, it was apparent that Goetia was going to be something special, and it simply has not disappointed in its final build. Sure, there are a few typographical errors and unusual animations for carrying objects around Blackwood Manor that should have been tidied up, and some of the puzzles can be a bit too obtuse, but it can all be forgiven because of the mystique surrounding the whole adventure and overall high quality throughout. The development team had something special on its hands that caught people's imagination, and has now given birth to a very special project indeed. Goetia takes the point-and-click adventure mould and re-shapes it into something remarkably exciting and fresh.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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