RYB (iOS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 14.03.2016

Review for RYB on iOS

Logic puzzles are the latest craze in the world of indie releases. They are, from a technical standpoint, extremely simple and, more importantly, very cheap to design, yet they give talented designers a lot of room to show their talent and how it has been applied in the design stakes. Up steps RYB to the plate, but can it be a success or will it fall? Cubed3 finds out…

RYB, cleverly named after the three base colours of red, yellow, and blue that the game revolves around, has arrived on the App Store. It comes complete with a simple design based on a colourful logic puzzle style in which the player must put the correct colours onto the shape presented in front of them purely by following some specific rules.

The concept might sound very vague and hard to grasp, yet RYB does a wonderful job of slowly but steadily introducing the rules and concepts in a way that never overwhelms, keeping things basic and clear when necessary, but upping the complexity at the right time to grab the attention of puzzle veterans, as well.

Screenshot for RYB on iOS

RYB is separated into different worlds, most of which introduce new aspects that must be learned. Each world starts off very rudimentary on the whole, but there are the new rules introduced by each world, all of which ultimately lead up to one complex puzzle at the end of the game where gamers must use everything picked up prior to solve. Thankfully, the rules and solutions in RYB follow a specific logic that is always clear for all levels of gaming skill, and the difficulty curve is fair, making for a great experience. The only negative is that more will indeed be wanted when completely finished, which is more of a compliment than an actual complaint!

Screenshot for RYB on iOS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

RYB is a fine display of what a logical puzzle game should be like. It rules by its own logic, which still feels clear to the player due to how it is implemented with real life reasoning (the mixing of colours). This leaves the possibility to implement complex rules without overwhelming gamers with new, unknown concepts. The difficulty curve is also very fair with some very great brainteasers mixed with simpler puzzles that explain main rules. RYB is a title that anyone looking for a puzzle game should look into as its gameplay is extremely entertaining and relaxing.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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