Slice It! (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Brandon (Michael) Howard 15.01.2016

Review for Slice It! on Nintendo 3DS

Com2uS has long been a major force in the mobile games industry, producing titles such as the Inotia series, and the ever popular Summoners War. Arc System Works needs no real introduction, being well known for the likes of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. Aksys Games also has a strong reputation for tackling the localisation to a high quality. What happens when all three forces are brought together? Slice It! on Nintendo 3DS, that's what. With such great names behind it, does it managed to make the cut?

Slice it! is a pretty simple game. The instruction manual is all in the title, and it's really all the introduction it needs. Each puzzle is a shape, ranging from basic squares and triangles, to complex polygons and more. The only task presented is to, with a limited amount of straight lines, cut the shape into a set number of equally sized pieces.

As a basic premise, it works very well. Puzzles start out simple, and slowly ramp up to more complex shapes, with more precise guidelines on how many cuts need to be made. Each level rewards a number of stars based on how similarly sized the pieces end up, so there's a definite level of mastery to achieve beyond the basic goals of the over two hundred levels there are.

Screenshot for Slice It! on Nintendo 3DS

There's a definite addictive appeal to solving puzzles, as while they aren't tremendously difficult to the point where play becomes prohibitive, some can be rather tricky when set within the confines of limited resources. With a small number of hints earned through 'Challenge,' it is easy to get stumped on a particularly obtuse conundrum. Hints are non-specific enough that they give a starting solution to each one, unless enough are dumped into one as to practically give the answer away completely.

The challenge mode simplifies the formula even further, requiring only a single cut on a near finished puzzle. Completing each round immediately moves the action onto the next one, creating an almost exhilarating rush as the clock counts down. Accuracy is what matters here, and getting a perfect cut will net extra seconds on the clock, while failing will deduct some. While precision does come with time, some of the details can be acutely annoying.

While the stylus and the 3DS touch screen seem like a perfect fit, some of the controls can be a little bit on the touchy side. Slight overlaps in lines can be read as an entirely new shape, turning a perfect solution into a failure when the game says that an extra piece was cut. While there's definitely sometimes justification for this happening, it can feel entirely arbitrary, thus meaning multiple replays of a stage where the solution has already been determined is indeed a frustrating possibility.

Screenshot for Slice It! on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


While Slice It! is entertaining at its core, there isn't really enough here to keep this latest Nintendo 3DS eShop release going for long. The main gameplay is engaging enough, but can quickly become repetitive, and it's plagued by some irritating detection and seemingly random scoring systems. There's definitely fun to be had here, but there are a few issues holding this former mobile title back from being really great.


Arc System Works







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   


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