By Izzy Lichi 15.10.2015
Heroes Reborn: Enigma is a first-person puzzle game created by Phosphor, a design team headed by Tim Kring's Imperative Entertainment. It takes place in a secret facility called the Quarry, where a young supernatural-powered girl named Dahlia, along with her sister Cassandra, must find a way to escape together. However, the villainous Trevor Mason has keen interests on experimenting with them due to their unique abilities. Will the enigma be revealed? Find out in this Cubed3 review.
Heroes Reborn: Enigma is completely created with Unreal Engine 4, and with flying colours, the game manages to look very good. The Quarry's environment will give any supernatural inmate, or users, the feeling of being trapped. All the characters are fully voice acted and do a wonder job performing. In some cases, however, the text dialogue will have misspellings, and colour distortion will occur during load screens between starting a level and hearing a cut-scene, but this case seems to only happen often at the start of the first level.
The gameplay and overall structure is very similar to Valve's Portal series. Fans of Valve's puzzle game will quickly recognise the test-style level structure and how levels progressively ask more of the user's thinking capabilities the further into the game they get. However, instead of using a portal gun, Dahlia has the power of telekinesis - the abilities to levitate objects towards or away - as well as slowing down time and using time travel. Using all three of these features works really well with the puzzles, as they all must be utilised to their fullest extent, such as having to throw an object then slow down time, then appear in an area that would only be possible between the flying and landing of the aforementioned object. Some players may get stumped and confused on how to pass some stages, and the game provides no hints to progress, so critical thinking is strongly recommended, as well as trial and error.
Heroes Reborn: Enigma is a solid representation of how potential phone apps can be - a perfect utilisation of the touch screen, great voice acting, and most importantly, satisfying thought-provoking gameplay. Fans of Portal will certainly get enjoyment due to the similarities Heroes Reborn: Enigma shares, and Heroes fans will be delighted to hear all the references made from the television shows.
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