Inside My Radio (Xbox One) Review

By Izzy Lichi 27.09.2015

Review for Inside My Radio on Xbox One

Seaven Studio's Inside My Radio is a music jamming side-scrolling platformer that requires users to roll with the rhythm and beat of the music at all times. Can jumping on platforms and squashing spiders be done in tandem with following sound? Following a highly-praised PC version review, Cubed3 discovers the tune on Xbox One.

Inside My Radio has very pretty visuals. The cute little cube-shaped characters, the near constant changing background colours, and, most notably, the incredibly composed music will keep ears content throughout the course of the game. Present throughout every second of Inside My Radio, the rhythm and beat of the soundtrack is in tandem with the mechanics of the platforming, much similar to how an instrumental title, such as Rockband or Guitar Hero, is played. However, instead of timing frets, the user is timing jumps, dashes, and ground pounds through a long and exciting catchy world of radio madness.

No time limit is present when playing, so progress can be made slowly, but there is no grade based on performance. Most rhythm games have a collective grading system determined by many different tiers of error and performance after each playing session, but no such grading element is present in Inside My Radio. The platforming and progression, however, is very satisfying when executed, as every action adds a sound to the background music - a very gratifying feeling to experience.

Screenshot for Inside My Radio on Xbox One

This is one of the most well programmed games of 2015. Freezing, bugs, and glitches are non-existent throughout the journey. While it promises a clean, fun and upbeat main story, Inside My Radio hits off-tune with linearity, no collectibles, no permanent upgrades and no alternate routes to complete stages.

The story is very underwhelming, and the characters, while very charming by appearance, are stereotypical and dictated by the music theme they represent, such as the second playable character that represents disco, and rocks a pompadour and heavy disco glasses. Sadly, only three music genres are in the game, extremely lacking toward the overall concept of Inside My Radio's ongoing music premise.

Screenshot for Inside My Radio on Xbox One

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Inside My Radio is a very entertaining side-scrolling adventure title. The music, the sound, and the platforming all satisfy in a trifecta of diversification. The colours are simply breath-taking and it certainly will immerse the user in the wide world of incredible sound. The story, linearity and overall lack of depth will leave some wanting, and the story mode will not take any longer than an afternoon to complete from start to finish, but, ultimately, Inside My Radio is a tune most will remember.






2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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