Jets (iOS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 20.05.2015

Review for Jets on iOS

A papercraft jet is the main protagonist in the latest runner (or is "flyer" a more proper term maybe?) for the iOS. The goal is to collect stamps, destroy crates, fly through pipes, collect clocks and many other things. In short, a lot of very different yet fun and entertaining tasks, especially for a runner (or is it a flyer?). Will the variety of objectives be enough to make Jets fly off the shelves? Read on for the answer!

Collecting stamps, clocks to prolong the time limit, flying through pipes, attacking birds, destroying crates, AND doing a barrel roll. What do all of these have in common? They are objectives in the latest runner title, Jets for iOS platforms. Instead of just the classical "going on for infinity," does the latest addition to the genre offer a lot of different objectives to keep on spicing up the experience and keeping a fresh feel all the way through?

These objectives are separated into missions. These missions can also, once beaten, be levelled up by completing them again with higher scores, which ensures that Jets always offers something to do. In the first mission, the goal is simply to collect stamps, which is this game's equivalent of coins in normal runners. As Jets goes on, more and more complex missions will arrive. The big highlight is Over the Top. Here, the goal is to perform a wide repertoire of different objectives on demand that are a mix of objectives from earlier missions and new specific ones for this mode, like doing a barrel roll. The heavy emphasis on the variety of gameplay compared to its competition helps to make this extremely fun.

Screenshot for Jets on iOS

To be completely honest, this variety is the only thing that Jets offers that is done better than most, if not all, of its competitors at this point. One major flaw that makes Jets end up on the shorter end compared to some other runners is the fact that it lacks the possibility to give permanent upgrades to the papercraft jet, something that is very important in the genre to give a sincere feeling of progress. A flaw that keeps Jets from achieving its maximum potential that exists there, as it truly does have the potential at its core to become quite something in the genre.

As times goes on, Jets might very well truly spread out its wings and soar through the skies. The potential is there in the gameplay's core, with varied missions and even a multiplayer system where players can challenge their friends. As it is now, though, Jets is a fun runner for a while that sadly lacks permanent power-ups, something truly needed to give a runner longevity compared to the competition. This might or might not get fixed in the future, but the product at hand is, while extremely fun and very varied while it lasts, short-lived.

Screenshot for Jets on iOS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10

Jets takes off slowly with classical collecting money missions, but once it reaches high speeds later down the line it really takes off with a bang and soars beautifully into the air with its wide variety of missions. Jets is a game that has to be experienced by fans of the runner genre as its fresh take will offer something not seen before. However, the lack of permanent upgrades keeps the flight short and prevents it from reaching its full potential. It is, however, perfect for travelling from point A to point B, just like an aeroplane is supposed to do.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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