IronFall: Invasion (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 20.04.2015

Review for IronFall: Invasion on Nintendo 3DS

There are several games in the third-person shooter genre, so to stand out in that forest and justify a purchase is a daunting task. Therefore, it might be very good to offer a demo to show potential consumers what is being offered in order to help them make an educated choice if they want the title or not. Cubed3 tackles IronFall: Invasion to see if it looks like a solid recommendation.

The shooter genre is one that is already oversaturated with great-to-mediocre titles. To be able to enter that arena and be successful, something unique is required to sell the game, or at least something that meets expectations in a positive way. Sadly, though, IronFall: Invasion does nothing to justify making that all important purchase.

The issue is that there truly isn't anything that makes this stand out from the pack of third-person shooters already out there, no matter how good it looks graphically on the humble 3DS. Everything is so extremely generic, from its story to its enemies and the missions included. For instance, the story starts with a weapon developer being captured by enemy forces and the hero of the tale must save him - nothing more, nothing less, and barely any character developent to engage players. It has been done a thousand times already, and done in a far better manner. There is truly nothing outstanding from start to finish. The gunplay is boring and offers nothing special and the enemies are just machines that sometimes have humanoid forms or are flying ship-like robots.

Screenshot for IronFall: Invasion on Nintendo 3DS

The saving grace, and only reason to even consider IronFall: Invasion, is its multiplayer. However, due to the aforementioned tedium of the gunplay and its painfully awkward control system (even after tweaking the options), there numerous titles better served to take gamers' money than this. However, if looking for a third-person shooter that looks stunning on the 3DS eShop, for some reason since the genre usually performs at its best on a big television screen, it might just be worth picking up the multiplayer package. Be sure to try the demo version available before purchase, though, since despite being one of only a few decent looking third-person shooters on the 3DS, care should definitely be taken before splashing the cash. It cannot be stressed enough that this is a poor man's third-person shooter and an overall weak experience in the genre that is currently already overflowing with far better titles than this.

Screenshot for IronFall: Invasion on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


IronFall: Invasion has very few actual design flaws from the demo at hand following recent updates. It is simply just generic and does not justify itself enough to stand tall in the forest of third-person shooters on the market. Its campaign is bland and dull, while the combat is milked down and does not offer anything new or spectacular. This makes IronFall: Invasion a title that seems to be hard to recommend to even fans of the genre as there are already dozens of titles out there that would more likely strike their fancy. It is maybe acceptable to get just to get a quick third-person shooter fix for on the go, but that is grasping at straws and this is most likely just going to make most wish they were home playing Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain instead on their home console or PC.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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