Steel Diver: Sub Wars (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 18.04.2015

Review for Steel Diver: Sub Wars on Nintendo 3DS

Ready for some submarine action? Steel Diver: Sub Wars from Vitei offers some under the surface combat. Being pretty alone in that ball park, other than its predecessor, the retail release Steel Diver that arrived at the launch of the 3DS in Europe, does this manage to sink or float gracefully to the surface? With many different issues, a lack of content and actual action, sadly this proves to be a poor experience. Read on for more as Cubed3 goes deep…

The number of submarine shooters available today is very few, so in order for Vitei's latest game to be an outstanding example in that playfield should not be that difficult, since it is basically just competing against its own previous release. Sadly, though, Steel Diver: Sub Wars fails by not bringing anything new or interesting to the table, and for those intrigued by the free-to-play version on the 3DS eShop, it proves to be nothing more than a cheap demo for its Premium Edition, offering only two playable missions that are made up of three levels each. Get a bad taste from the f2p version and expect more of the same from the full edition.

The gameplay itself is the biggest concern, since the concept of being a submarine floating around under the sea and shooting down enemy ships is an interesting one, yet fails on many levels due to the low speed combined with large-scale environments. Basically, it creates a very dull and lethargic experience that might imbue boredom rather than the excitement a title like this should serve up. As an example, one mission involves travelling through rings within a set time limit, something that proves to be tedious within seconds of starting.

Screenshot for Steel Diver: Sub Wars on Nintendo 3DS

It becomes pretty clear that Steel Diver: Sub Wars is all about the multiplayer aspect, but to do well in multiplayer, better submarines are definitely needed - something that, it should be noted, is completely locked in the free-to-play edition, unless cash is handed over, of course. The only bonus is that there is an option to play with friends online through Friend List requests in the premium version.

On a more positive note, the biggest highlight is the controls, since there is great depth to how submarines are controlled, using different levers on the touch screen to regulate if the craft is ascending or descending, as well as adjust the speed of movement and direction, using an on-screen wheel. More traditional methods are also included for those not wanting to pull levers regularly. The environments are also beautifully crafted, and even though the graphics showing their limitations, the 3D effect heavily compensates.

In the end, though, not a lot more can be said about Steel Diver: Sub Wars other than that it is filled with often very dull gameplay, ruining the experience for even those that loved the original 3DS release.

Screenshot for Steel Diver: Sub Wars on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


Steel Diver: Sub Wars fails to successfully build upon its solid 2011 Nintendo 3DS retail release, which in itself was a revamped Nintendo DS tech demo. Anyone intrigued by the concept can try the free-to-play edition on 3DS eShop, but be warned that it is nothing more than a glorified demo with huge limitations in place to encourage money to be spent, money that might as well have been put towards the full edition anyway. Whatever the case, the slow pace and the large underwater arena are major turn offs as the mixture of the two creates a very drawn out and empty experience and does indeed show that sometimes less is more…









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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