Me & My Furry Patients 3D (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 04.11.2014

Review for Me & My Furry Patients 3D on Nintendo 3DS

In Me & My Furry Patients 3D, a new veterinarian has opened up her practice in a small town, and it is up to owners of this Nintendo 3DS eShop title to help her improve on her carrier. She starts out small, but can she be helped enough to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional veterinarian?

After taking the role of the town's new veterinarian in the beginning of Me & My Furry Patients 3D, it is clear that her clinic is only a small one that can only take on guinea pigs, rabbits and birds. However, as the game progresses the veterinarian can accept bigger animals, such as dogs and horses, the latter of which can be rode on. Do not fret, if wanting to jump straight into horseback riding then that is entirely possible in the Riding Mode offered in the main menu.

Me & My Furry Patients 3D starts off slow, with the first priority to go to town to buy medicines and tools to begin treating animals. Then the customers start coming and the fun begins. The core gameplay is that of treating animals by reading their journal and seeing what needs to be done to patch them up. At the beginning most of it is pretty easy. It can be that the poor patient needs an anti-inflammatory injected into them to help get rid of a bad inflammation. However, the game quickly starts to give cases in which the patient needs to be taken care of in order to become healthy, and it is here that the difficulty in managing time becomes present because, beside the daily treatments, the animals have other needs, such as being fed and stroked.

Screenshot for Me & My Furry Patients 3D on Nintendo 3DS

Progression is made at a pretty even rate, keeping it from becoming too overwhelming. A very good system is used that allows players to learn how to play whilst progressing at their own pace through challenges that must be completed to advance further.

The gameplay itself is fun and balanced, yet a little repetitive - somewhat of an oversight due to its genre. The only issue is the riding mini-game that can be a let-down due to the minimal playground and options that are given.

Overall, Me & My Furry Patients 3D is a fun and good veterinary simulation that has enough content to justify itself. Its graphics are subpar, but that is nothing that harms the game, rather it gives it an old school feel and reminds of The Sims, which adds nostalgia points.

Screenshot for Me & My Furry Patients 3D on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10

Me & My Furry Patients 3D is a game with a clear target audience - young kids who have a dream to open their own veterinary practice in the future - and it does a good job of catering to them. Improved horse riding would have been welcome to add to the already solid experience, however.




TREVA Entertainment





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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