By Robert Blowes 19.10.2014
PC game The Collider, developed by Shortbreak Studios, offers the chance to test the reflexes, and how long one can go without blinking in a fast paced "thread the needle" type game. A simple concept, to be sure, so how does the game ultimately fare? Cubed3 reviews…
There is little to say about The Collider, as it isn't so much a typical game, as it is a mild distraction to stave off boredom. Basically, the aim of the game is to thread a white dot, representing the cursor of the mouse, through circular panels that have small openings, some with coins, and some without. Crash and it is a loss of life; crash enough times and it's Game Over. It is possible to continue from crashing via spending the coins that are collected.
That's really all there is to it.
The main thing to keep the game going is the incremental increases in speed. At first it is pedestrian, but later on, the game whizzes along at such a speed that any form of blinking will result in a crash and Game Over.
Essentially, anyone with experience in staring contests and with good reflexes should be able to have plenty of fun with the game. That's really all there is to it, though.
It's a niche game, a good distraction - a potentially addictive one, too - but once the novelty wears off, there's nothing to really keep it going outside of gaining competitive scores and Steam Achievements (which were actually bugged during the playing of the game for review).
The Collider is a solid game that sets out what it wants to do: get the player jumping through hoops at ridiculous speeds. That is all it offers, though; there isn't enough here to justify a score higher than a five. If there was more variety, more scope, more 'game,' then it could very well be a good offering. To add insult to injury, it seems as if some of the Steam Achievements are bugged. As it is, it just exists to chew the boredom away during a downtime.
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