Titanfall (Xbox One) Review

By Leigh Groocock 20.09.2014

Review for Titanfall on Xbox One

Titanfall had a lot to live up to when it launched back in March as it was one of the first major titles to hit the next generation platforms and the first game developed by Respawn Entertainment, a studio founded by former Infinity Ward staff after its dramatic implosion in 2010. The people behind the Call of Duty series were now working on a brand new title that had a hell of a lot to live up to, if the staff's past successes were anything to go by.

Straight away, it is noticeable that Titanfall isn't exactly one of those run-of-the-mill shooters that regularly hits store shelves around the globe. It contains no single-player campaign whatsoever and instead combines the solo experience into the actual multiplayer campaign by loading games with a range of different AI bots, scattered between the two factions: the Intersellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. There could be a story here but frankly no effort is made to really detail it other than the occasional brief voice over. The AI-controlled bots come in two forms: standard grunts and high-tech spectres, as well as running into another player-controlled pilot every now and then.

The bots are a unique way of getting over the fact that Titanfall only allows a maximum of 12 player-controlled pilots in each map. They may be fairly dim compared to AI bots many will have battled in the past, but the sheer number of them that swarm objects, attempt to take down titans, and make a poor effort at flanking the lead character mean that each map is action packed and ensures that there is always something to do. Even for those that are not the best multiplayer competitive gamers in the world, these bots will make anyone feel like a god when tearing through them without blinking an eye.

Screenshot for Titanfall on Xbox One

The meat of the game comes down to several different game modes that the gaming community has grown to love over the years, such as Attrition (team deathmatch), Hardpoint (domination), Capture the Flag, and Last Titan Standing, a game mode that revolves around eliminating all the enemy team (and their titans) before they get the kill instead. There's nothing really unique about the game modes, but they are extremely enjoyable and will keep players coming back for more. It's always nice to see Capture the Flag make an appearance, too, as it's a mode that doesn't receive the love it deserves these days.

All of the Titanfall modes are available on each of the 15 maps that are included in the base game (nine more have since been added in DLC packs) and they are a blast. The pilots' fantastic ability to parkour over any object it wants means reaching building tops can be done in no time with the greatest of ease, creating unique ways of flanking enemies with every play, making the vast majority of the maps incredibly enjoyable.

Screenshot for Titanfall on Xbox One

Okay, but how about the titans of Titanfall, since that is why most will be reading this review, right? Well, titans have always been a rough topic when it comes to video games, typically because of balancing issues, but there is no need to worry about that here. Heavily armoured vehicles tend to dominate any multiplayer landscape and when each person in the game has the ability to spawn one at will every few minutes feeling slightly terrified about balance issues cannot be helped. Respawn Entertainment nailed the balance by forcing every player to carry an anti-titan weapon in each class, meaning there is no reason not to attempt to take one out when crossing through the map.

These anti-titan weapons means that, with a bit of top-notch team work, the titans can be brought down in a reasonable amount of time while at the same time, they are still incredibly fun to pilot. They strike fear into the heart of enemies by simply dashing from behind a building in a two-storey tall titan, and they have a huge arsenal of weapons available, as well as a range of different offensive abilities, like missile barrages and a forcefield that captures opponents' bullets in the air and launch them back causing massive damage.

Screenshot for Titanfall on Xbox One

One of the most important parts of any multiplayer shooter is the range of equipment available. Titanfall works similar to past competitive games by gradually granting access to new guns and equipment as experience is gained and levelling up occurs by killing opponents, completing objectives, and finishing burn card challenges. In total, Titanfall features 23 different weapon types, from close-range shotguns to high-calibre, powerful sniper rifles, and everything in-between. Even after sinking a few dozen hours into the game, there are very few guns that stand out as overpowered and almost every weapon has a notable advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation.

A unique addition to Titanfall is the option to equip single-use 'burn cards' that give a certain boost or slightly more powerful weapon for a single life. These are earned by completing challenges, such as killing so many enemies with a certain type of gun, to wall-running for several hours. Pilots are only allowed to carry a maximum of 46 burn cards, which is disappointing due to the rate at which they are earned at the beginning of each prestige, meaning hundreds of them may be discarded for a small currency. This currency can later be used on the recently added black market to buy burn card packs or emblems for a titan.

Screenshot for Titanfall on Xbox One

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Titanfall may not have done anything to revolutionise the multiplayer genre like it was hyped up to do but has done a sterling job of being the first major shooter to hit a brand new generation of consoles from a studio that is yet to release a game. After six months on the market (at time of writing), it's still a blast, yet it won't be a title that goes down in history. If Titanfall is anything to go by, whatever developer Respawn creates in the future cannot come soon enough, hopefully building upon the strong foundation of this release.






First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (1 Votes)

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