Poker Dice Solitaire Future (Wii U) Review

By Coller Entragian 25.07.2014

Review for Poker Dice Solitaire Future on Wii U

Poker Dice Solitaire Future is a single-player variation of the immortal game poker that attempts to infuse a science fiction twist, by putting outer-space in the background.

Poker is a game that has existed as early as 1840 and it has dozens of variations and rules. Poker Dice Solitaire Future for the Wii U is a solitaire iteration where the player is against a system that counts how many rolls taken. There are eight possible hands; pair, two of a kind, small straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, large straight and five of a kind. A chip with an arbitrary value represents each hand and each chip can only be earned four times. The player has three rolls to land a winning combination with five hexagonal dice. However, should the user exceed three rolls, they are penalized by having a chip locked out from acquisition.

Screenshot for Poker Dice Solitaire Future on Wii U

There is a strong luck factor here that negates any strategy because the only option the user has is roll, save dice and select chip. The core gameplay is deciding whether to save a dice in hopes it will lead to a better hand, or the moments when a penalty chip has to be chosen. The max amount of chips that can be won is 32, but given how much luck is a factor, getting a perfect game is very unlikely.

Poker Dice Solitaire Future is a very barebones purchase. There is only one mode and it has no online leader boards. The "Future" aspect is purely realised in the interface and UI elements that feel like they would fit nicely as a mini-game in Phantasy Star Online, punctuated with a backdrop of stars passing by. Clearly, this is the future. Sleek, dazzling neon veneer is easy on they eyes, but it is the only aesthetic. There is nothing to unlock or earn in this game. Unlike other endless puzzle games, it is not stimulating because there is no challenge.

Screenshot for Poker Dice Solitaire Future on Wii U

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


The best thing about Poker Dice Solitaire Future is that it works and is not broken. It is exactly what it says on the tin, but the forgettable core gameplay is not worthy of purchase due to lacking features. Only the most fanatical solitaire enthusiast may enjoy this product.






Table Games



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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