HTR+ Slot Car Simulation (PC) Review

By Chris Leebody 09.07.2014

Review for HTR+ Slot Car Simulation on PC

Slot car racing and the toys that have followed has been a staple of many generations' childhoods, and have provided some of the most longed-after Christmas gifts down the years. In this digital age, it is no surprise that a mobile app (HTR HD High Tech Racing), and now the full PC video game, HTR+ Slot Car Simulation, has arrived on Steam courtesy of Brazilian game developers QUByte Interactive. Considering the expense associated with the real life sets, this digital version has the potential to open a whole new generation up to the joys of slot car racing. However, can this game manage to bring the same level of joy and spectacle as the toys could?

The answer to that question is: mostly. The game tries to invoke a similar feeling to the immensely popular Trials HD and its franchise; that is to create an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master philosophy to the gameplay, and it largely succeeds, managing to craft that "one more game" mentality each time players fail to win a race or try to beat their record time.

In HTR+ Slot Car Simulation, movement of players' slot car is controlled simply by holding down the left mouse button, which accelerates the car along the slot, just like playing the toy. Said like that, the depth to the game seems non-existent. However, while this simplicity will suffice for the early tracks in the game's championship mode, by the third or fourth track it is apparent that some skill is required, which is where the manual speed slider comes in.

Each of the game's 20 pre-built tracks are filled with twists and turns, leaps and loops, and they all require adjusting the speed of the car just right to avoid spinning off the car slot and allowing one of the three AI racers to zoom past. Failing to win a race will prevent players from advancing to the next one, nor grant them any coins to upgrade their car, and it can sometimes be infuriating, especially on the pro difficulty, that going just slightly too fast can result in careering off the track and effectively losing the race.

Screenshot for HTR+ Slot Car Simulation on PC

As was mentioned, the game comes with 20 tracks already built by the developers, but they have also taken the very sensible step of also including a surprisingly powerful little track editor in-game, as well as the ability to download other players' tracks. It is remarkably fun creating a track, and brings back the nostalgia of buying an exciting new piece to customise a real life track.

Sadly, the track editor is pretty much the extent of any multiplayer offering. There is an online leader board as an incentive to try and beat other players' times, but there is no competitive multiplayer, which is a shame and a real missed opportunity.

The graphics in the game are fine and have certainly been upgraded from the mobile app, and they do an adequate job of making players feel like they are playing a digital toy; neat little details like crowd staging all give tracks the appearance of basement sets. The cars also look and drive like their toy counterparts, as well as sound like them.

Screenshot for HTR+ Slot Car Simulation on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


At £14.99 on Steam at present, HTR+ Slot Car Simulation is possibly a little overpriced for the content, and is a game that players should instead wait until a sale for to purchase. However, there is a definite gap in this market with a severe lack of any other slot car racing simulator. Additionally, with there being so many car parts to buy and indeed other cars to unlock, as well as a robust track creation facility, this is definitely a title to consider seriously.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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