Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (Wii U) Review

By Adam Riley 29.06.2014

Review for Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on Wii U

The Transformers line has had somewhat of hard a time over the years, with a slew of middling movie adaptations that have tarnished many people's memories of the much-loved classic cartoon series from the 1980s. The sad fact is that the videogame versions have not lived up to expectations either, with Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon - Stealth Force Edition on Wii being a particular low point. After the berated Transfomers Prime that arrived at Wii U launch, how does Rise of the Dark Spark turn out?

Edge of Reality is behind development duties rather than High Moon Studios that did the non-Nintendo releases War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Why is this important, though? Well, other than some impressive ports of games to Nintendo 64 in the early 2000s, the team has not achieved much of note, so it is surprising to see it at the helm here. Rise of the Dark Spark acts as a follow-up to aforementioned two Transformers releases by High Moon, and is also pegged as a story that takes place after the new movie Transformers: Age of Extinction, despite that not having released yet. Still, the tale of a hunt for an ancient relic - the game's namesake, the Dark Spark - that is as powerful as the Matrix of Leadership may be of intrigue to long-term enthusiasts. Whereas the Matrix grants wisdom, the Dark Spark gives the user the power to bend the universe and its inhabitants to their own will. Quite the powerhouse indeed, and unsurprisingly everyone wants it! However, whilst the on-screen action may cover any storyline cracks in the world of movies, the plodding events that transpire in Rise of the Dark Spark make for quite the painful affair...and a confusing one at the same time.

Screenshot for Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on Wii U

Everything is also marred by clunky controls that can be tweaked in the menu screen to improve matters marginally but still not enough to make for an overall smooth experience (and, should the default controls not be the best option anyway?). Additionally, bland settings and rudimentary 'go here, shoot that, grab this' type missions without any flair are the norm right from the start, with no change in quality as the game progresses. The 'fast-paced running-and-gunning' promise of the game's blurb is disappointingly absent, and when reaching parts where turning into a vehicle is recommended, get ready for some of the worst driving controls ever experienced. Awkward and unresponsive, staying out of vehicular form will be preferred, but even then dashing around on foot is not as intuitive as it should, for some crazy reason, and yet enemies (even on the 'Easy' setting) apparently have no such issues!

There may well be the choice to switch between Autobots and Decepticons for those that wish to see things from the good and bad angles, choosing from over 40 characters to play as in the single-player campaign, yet without the actual thrill to draw players in and with the control gripes, the varied selection is meaningless. To rub salt into the wounds even more, despite this supposedly being developed across all formats, shockingly the Wii U edition is actually missing a large chunk of content, namely the Escalation multiplayer mode that almost makes up for the lacklustre solo campaign in other home console iterations. Everything about Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark smacks of being rushed to hit deadlines, whereas a little more care and attention on the controls side alone would have improved the experience considerably. Saying that, it would not have saved it from the mundane objectives and repetitive action, but at least it would have helped slightly to numb the agony.

Screenshot for Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on Wii U

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 2 out of 10

Very Bad

Starting off weak and getting not only worse, but extremely tiresome due to repetitive gameplay and some horrendously awkward controls, Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark smacks of a cheap attempt to cash-in on the new movie release, not even properly linking to the feature film for those awaiting its release or tying various story threads together from the previous movie and game releases. The mess of a story definitely extends to being a mess of a game. It is simply cynical and bound to leave a bad taste in even the greatest of fans' mouths, this is undeserving of the Transformers name.

Also known as

Transformers: The Dark Spark


Edge Of Reality







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


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