Lola's Math Train (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Adam Riley 30.03.2013

Review for Lola

Educational games do not need to be patronising to be aimed at younger children. Sadly, far too often that is the case though, or, on the other hand, they prove to be highly frustrating experiences by developers that think merely stripping away many features of a normal game will automatically make for a pleasing experience for children. Developer BeiZ is hoping to break from the pattern with Lola's Math Train, now available for $3.99 on the US Nintendo 3DS eShop.

Lola's Math Train shows how learning for children should be handled in the videogame realm, blending cute visuals, clear voice work, intuitive controls, and a nice variety of tasks that adapt to a child's learning level. Starting off, there are three difficulty levels to choose from, ranging from simple identification of numbers themselves, and going right through to subtraction and addition sums, with a smattering of other objectives mixed in to keep everything entertaining for those with short attention spans.

Youngsters - between the ages of 3 and 8 according to developer BeiZ - can learn how to follow voice prompts to choose numbers from a selection of options, find matching numbers that add up to a certain figure, determine the correct pattern trends for different shapes, select what box contains the most squares, figure out the actual difference between numbers and letters, and even place numbers in increasing or decreasing value, plus much more. The beauty of Lola's Math Train is how it adapts perfectly to those struggling or others that excel at the lowest levels, ensuring that children never grow frustrated during the 'math adventure.'

Screenshot for Lola's Math Train on Nintendo 3DS

Brightly presented with a very soothing, encouraging female voiceover that reads almost everything aloud for children that either struggle reading or cannot be bothered to do so, Lola's Math Train is also filled with adorable little animal characters and 19 mathematical games that educate whilst allowing children to have fun.

Six other animal friends can join Lola on her Math Train one at a time, meaning that there are seven rounds in total to play through, each with eleven tasks to complete along the way, which is definitely great to get the basics of numerical skills, puzzle solving, character identification, addition and subtraction practised sufficiently until it starts to stick. Where other 'edutainment' titles miss the mark, Lola's Math Train is definitely on the right track!

Screenshot for Lola's Math Train on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Lola's Math Train is a great little educational title on the Nintendo 3DS eShop and will help youngsters develop their numerical skills in a variety of ways that both entertain and educate at the same time whilst proving to be neither patronising nor frustrating. Its focus is clear and it delivers in a smart way that will hopefully keep children on the right track.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


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