Viewtiful Joe (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By Phoenom 0 Number of reads 1550 Posted 30.04.2008

Now then, before any of you come at me with Pitchforks and Clubs demanding to know why I didn't review this great game earlier, I have a very good excuse.
I did review it little less than a month ago, the text was all there and ready to roll, honestly. But then my bloody Internet Browser decided that it didn't like me, and reset itself. Bloomin little sod. Smilie So, me being the lazy git that I am, felt that 'Hell no, not doing that all over again.' and so I went for another title to review.
Now I've decided that I can't leave the title without a review for too much longer, it is one of the best in my collection after all, so I'm having another go. This little Laptop of mine will be getting flying lessons if a certain browser goes kaput again.

Originally part of the Infamous 'Capcom 5', a collection of games meant to be exclusive to the Nintendo Gamecube, Viewtiful Joe found itself to be one of the more notable of the group, oweing in part to the unusual visuals and gameplay mechanics.
Due to the less-than-stellar sales of the Gamecube and its software, Capcom decided to release 3 of the 5 games on other consoles, V.J among them, and thus, the 'Capcom 5' exclusivity was no more.
So, years later, and with a sequel, a Smash-Bros Clone, and a DS spin-off in tow, how does the title hold up, amongst the other Gamecube Gems?

First of all, a point to make. This game features 'Bullet-Time' effects, so those of you that are either sick of seeing it in games, or just hate anything associated with the Matrix Film, had better stop reading now, because you won't be pleased. That said however, Viewtiful Joe uses the Slow-mo feature to great effect, and coupled with the rest of the game, makes it one of the more unique franchises around.

Story-wise, it's kept simple. Or as simple as the game will allow, anyway. Joe and his girlfriend Sylvia go to watch a cinema movie, big robot comes out of the screen and takes Sylvia, Joe jumps in and is transformed into the superhero Viewtiful Joe, and sets off to find her. That's the basics of the plot, and the wackiness of it complements the rest of the game superbly well.

So, the most important thing, the gameplay, what's it like? Well, think of Old-School Beat-em-ups like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage, and you're about a quarter of the way there. Run right and left, punch and kick enemies, even a little platforming, sums up the basis of V.J quite well. But when you bring in the extras, everything changes.
There are three main 'Bullet-time'-esque powers that Viewtiful Joe commands, Slow-mo, Speed-up, and Zoom-in. Slow-mo is self-explanatory; Dodge Bullets, Attacks, and Obstacles. Speed-up turns you into a red and pink Sonic-Style Blur that with enough friction, sets you on Fire, and Zoom-in gives you the chance to do some showing off for the camera, with more powerful techniques as a result.
All three of these abilities transfer very well into the gameplay, providing the basis for some unique and enjoyable puzzles and fights.
Of course, being able to use these three anytime you want to kick ass wouldn't be much of a challenge, so the game limits you by only allowing the powers whilst there is juice in the VFX bar, that slowly regenerates over time. To make this bar last longer, there are little blue reels to collect, sort of like this game's equivalent to Sonic's Rings, or Mario's Coins. Careful rationing of the VFX bar adds another gameplay element to proceedings, that ensures you keep your wits about you.
Also, regular coins are salvaged from the enemies you beat the snot out of, and they are used for upgrading at the end of each level. A nice motivational feature.

The looks of the game are a very high point, providing lush and brilliant 3D Cell-Shaded visuals on a 2D plane. Each of the three powers look great in motion, and combining two or more of them brings out even more eye-candy.

What booms out of your speakers whilst this game is played will not disappoint either. A fantastic mix of tunes, sounds that hit just the right note, and cut-scene-accompanying tracks follow the greatness of the rest of the title.

In true Beat-em-up fashion, you'll have a challenge on your hands, even on the easiest difficulty setting. The enemies, especially in the later levels, are relentless, and will test your gaming skills to the limit. Add to that unlockables for clearing the higher difficulty levels, and you've got a game that won't leave the console of a determined player for quite some time.

All of this aside, Viewtiful Joe does have its share of bad qualities. Some will enjoy the harshness of the difficulty, but others will hate it. The length of the game is also in question. It won't be a quick breeze-through for any gamer, but it is quite short in level number. And the old favourite game element of many developers, the 'repeat bosses later on' syndrome, will annoy.

These criticisms aside though, Viewtiful Joe is a brilliant game, and one that every Gamecube and Wii owner should have.

Phoenom's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (13 Votes)

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