Dewy's Adventure (Wii) Reader Review

Posted by By Phoenom 0 Number of reads 1222 Posted 17.03.2008

Okay, so review number 3, quite getting used to these now. Yep, another Wii game, maybe I'll try Phantom Hourglass next, we'll see how bored I get for the next one.
Righto, here we go.

When the nature of the Wii Remote was first shown to developers and publishers, Konami decided to dedicate one of their teams to Wii game development. This team's first Wii title was Elebits, or as known in Censorship Land where everything is different, Eledees, released close to the launch of the console itself.
After acceptable sales of that product, the team set their minds on another title. This one. Dewy's Adventure.

Whilst the previous game was of the Shoot-and-capture kind, Dewy's is a platformer, that sees you play as a living raindrop trying to cleanse the land of black murky stuff, and rescue other such living bits of nature along the way.

This being a Wii game, its a little different to what you'd expect. The remote is held NES-style, with tilting to move Dewy around the game world, and with motion and buttons handling his abilities.
For the most part, these work well, although anyone that has played Super Monkey Ball with the Wii remote can attest to how clumsy the movement feels, and it is sadly as frustrating here. Prepare to die. Quite a bit.

The abilities themselves, such as freezing yourself into an ice cube, and heating yourself into a Lighting cloud, all feel original and present some innovative and unique puzzles, and are all available from the outset.
But that itself is part of the problem.
By giving you every ability from the beginning, there is a diminished sense of progression. You will still feel the satisfaction of level completion, and beating the hell out of the bosses (another highlight by the way), but that feeling of growing stronger and excitement at what is next, is gone.

The graphics are, for lack of a better word, lovely, and vibrant throughout each of the worlds, each one in a typical game setting, Volcano, forest, ice climate, you name it.

The music is catchy and fits the game well, although Dewy's voice might urge you to rip out your own eardrums. Not much else to say about the music really, just Meh.

Dewy's Adventure isn't just for single player, it has a robust multiplayer too, and also a level editor for battle arenas, so this title will last you quite a while if you aim to get the most from it.

Overall then, Dewy's adventure is a worthy purchase, provided that you have the patience for the more trickier sections, and a fetish for unique gameplay elements.


[Quick tip from me; its only

Phoenom's Rating Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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