Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By Revelade 0 Number of reads 1091 Posted 25.01.2007

Capcom vs. SNK 2 on the gamecube? Yes, it's true.

You'll see the graphics are 2D animations that look similar to Playstation or even SNES SF games. They get the job down, there is virtually no slowdown and represent the familiar faces from the games we know.

The story seems familiar here. There is a fighting competition to see who's the best fighter, which happens to be the player! A mysterious challenger arrives and... surprise, you must defeat him! Or the world ends!

The gameplay is different depending on the player. If you fight the computer, it will react with the best move against what you do. It can spam fireballs all day and bosses have moves that take half your health off.

Then you can play against players which comes down to your abilities to do, when to do and if you can do the moves.

Of course those with trouble with the long memorized patterns of the moves and combos can try GCism mode. There is one button for kick, a button for punch and the c-stick will execute the special moves.

There are 40+ characters and 6 grooves to play with. The characters come from both franchises such as the familar Ryu or Kyo to Darkstalker's Morrigan or KoF's Raiden. The grooves each have their own traits. Some allow you to roll, run or dodge. Others allow you to air guard, parry or charge meters. There is also a replay mode as well as a groove creator.

My experience with this game is I found the buttons hard to combo with since the shoulder buttons require full presses in order to register. The CPU either can be abused or foresees your moves before they do theirs. Also, the bosses with their moves that remove half of your life don't seem to be fair. This game takes practice to play, so playing against a new person doesn't seem to be a fair fight as well.

I would only see this game as worthy when playing a person who has the same skill as you as often as possible. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury.

Revelade's Rating Rated $score out of 10  1/10

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (4 Votes)

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