Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By Nintendolover53 0 Number of reads 685 Posted 28.10.2006

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is the game that got me sucked into the Metroid business. I have to thank Nintendo Power for showing the third Metroid game as a cover. I figured I should try one of these games. As soon as I started, I got hooked.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is the second game in the Metroid Prime trilogy. When Samus discovers a planet known as Aether that she can recover her ship's damage on, she decides to explore. She discovers small animals named splinters. And, eventually... comes across a great temple known as the Sky Temple. A beast comes from the darkness that looks a lot like the splinters, but a darker, almost possessed version of it. Samus sees Galactic Federation Troopers' (allies) corpses. When she gets closer, they come to life by a strange possession. Samus soon discovers a dark side to herself. She calls it Dark Samus, a Phazon absorbing creature that glows blue yet looks exactly like Samus. She also discovers the Luminoth, the native species to Aether (Only one still alive), and Ing, a dark race that wishes to completely overtake Aether. These Ing are working past the half-way point. They have split Aether into two dimensions (Light Aether, Dark Aether), one for Luminoth, most of which were killed in the war, and one for Ing, who are quickly overtaking the planet of Aether. Samus obtains a mysterious object, which is called an Energy Transfer Module. It allows Samus to store energy in her Power Suit until she can find a new place for it. She uses this to transfer energy from Dark Aether to Light Aether using these things called Energy Controllers. Samus also encounters weapons, Ingworms, Space Pirates, etc. ...

the graphics in any Metroid game for this matter, are fantastic! This one has to be the best yet. If you would like to know more about the graphics (but not much more), look at my Metroid Prime review.

The sound of this game makes it absolutely wonderful! When you are in different parts of the game, the music adapts to the feel of the room. it is fantastic. You absolutely must experience it yourself!

For the gameplay, I decided to rate it 8/10 for all the same reasons as in my Metroid Prime review. Please view that one for info.
There is one new feature, though. You can play multiplayer in 6 different levels, 4 of which are available at the beginning of the game. There are no bots, unfortunately. You'll need another person if you want to use multiplayer.

Once again, the length was chosen for all the same reasons as in Metroid Prime. If you would like to know those reasons, view Nintendolover53's Metroid Prime Review.

●Final Score●
Overall, I'm not sure this game is that much different from Metroid Prime. The story is different, but besides some new features, navigation, the story, and the places, everything is basically the same. I use averages yet again.

Nintendolover53's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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