Super Mario Sunshine (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By nighm 0 Number of reads 801 Posted 24.08.2006

I have recently been looking through my video game collection for a challenging game that can keep me busy for awhile. When I looked upon Super Mario Sunshine, I pulled it out and plugged it in. As soon as I started the game, I remembered why I hadn't finished it. This game is hard. Maybe I'm not the best at video games, but this game is definately a challenge to complete. When you start the game, you are given a water shooting device, FLUDD, and with this device you sent around on Isle Delfino to clean up messes left by Shadow Mario so that you can clear your name and revive the Shine Sprites. That's pretty much all there is to it.

The stages that I found to be the most challenging were the stages in which FLUDD is taken away from you and you are forced to complete an obstacle course. Other stages can be beaten by defeating a boss, collecting 8 red coins, chasing Shadow Mario, or some other task. All in all, a challenging game.

Presentation-wise, I am also impressed with this game. The graphics may seem a bit dated now, but they work fine for this game. Only problem I had was the camera angles that didn't appear to agree at some points, but otherwise it was fine. The music in this game is very relaxing and I enjoy every minute that I hear it. All sound effects and voices also seem in place (everything from Mario's "Wahoo!"s to Peach's "I'm your mama?"s sound like they belong).

So is this game worth putting into your collection? Yes, it is. If you already own a Gamecube and don't have this game, then I suggest buying this game immediately. It'll help hold you over until the Wii comes out.

nighm's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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