Sonic Riders (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By JoshSL 0 Number of reads 1397 Posted 21.06.2006

Now, I know that most people don't really like the game, but I for one think it really is pretty good, it has it's good & bad points, & it may not be the best racer ever, but it was a good try at the least!

I think Sonic is the best character, he has the coolest looking tricks, he can use grinds & he's SO FAST! This is a smilie

I thought it was pretty easy, I picked up the controls on a multiplayer practise with my bro, & thenwent through Hero story & picked up new tricks. Now Babylnog Garden WAS quite hard, but I completed it after 1/2 an hour of playing the level. I've spent longer on Sonic Rush to be honest, so the main game is short for me. I still love it though, there are SO many unlockables, & I havn't tried mission modes yet, I'm just disappointed that some more characters liek Shadow or Rouge didn't appear in the story, & the story was a bit short & brief, but so much fun!

The speed is SO exhillerating, going incredibly fast in someone else's turbulence or flying HIGH into the sky while pulling off a trick a second gives you a real sense of freedom. So the controls may be a bit hard.

The graphics are pretty damn good considering Sonic's previous graphical quality in games, the cutscenes are funny in this game, & they bring out the character's emotions more than any other Sonic game, when Tails is sad (sniff) you can really see it & the sympathy is Sonic & Knuckles' faces.

Sure the controls are wacky & (for most) hard to get used to, but I wouldn't have done it any other way!! It's good for their FIRST TRY at an original racing game, noone has done a completely original racing game for ages, so you can't expect it to be awesome while all the "NORMAL" racing games have been taken & done over & over a million times.

Well, this may be a slightly biased score, so I will give it 2, my biased score, of how great I THINK the game is, & then a score of how it should be, how I think a non biased reviewer would do.

My score: 9/10
"normal people" score: 7/10

Yes I HONESTLY think it's good! I honestly believe that people should try this out. It's about time they made a game that wasn't TOO EASY to complete anyway... Beign hard isn't a bad thing, it makes it challenging.

JoshSL's Rating Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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