Chibi-Robo! (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By JoshSL 0 Number of reads 1402 Posted 21.06.2006

This is the first review I've submitted to C3, but I plan to submit more reviews that I've done over these last few months, 99/100 of the reviews I post will be from my blog, so you might have read it already.

Not only have I not had so much fun on a GC game for ages, but it actually lasted me more than 3 days. The last game that lasted for more than a week that I still loved afterwards, was Tales of Symphonia, & that was about 3/4 of a year ago!

So, more about THE GAME!! It's an AAA GC title if you didn't know, & it is definitely wierd when you see screens & tidbits of information, then I read a review or two, & decided to buy it, it was one of the best desicions I've made in the GC's life, to buy this game, I judged it, as does everyone else who sees it for a little while, but then I played, & loved every little bit of it. The graphics are so so, very colourful & the human characters' models are poor, but everything else, such as the toys, the environments, & Chibi-Robo himself (not to forget Telly!) Are actually very average, infact probably slightly better, & once you get into it, you won't give a shit about the average graphics, you'll be engulfed with 1 million things to do at once. This game specialises in stuff to do. From the moment you start, you only have one thing to do, it gets off to a kinda slow start, you start off trying to make the Sandersons, a seemingly average family, happy again, they have tons of problems, the first one we hear of is Jenny, she apparantly can only speak Frog language, & the family are having money troubles, so that's your mission, so make them happier, & become the best ranked Chibi Robo in the world! So once you've tarted that, after a while you'll see there's nothing more to do in the Living Room, so you'll move into different rooms, which is often a bit feat, as there are usually toys or other obstacles stopping you from going any further, & that's where it starts.

You will be searching for possibly hours & hours on what to do, where to find the item that will let you continue, but you'll enjoy it, on the way you'll find out about things you never knew before, even at the end of the game, it surprises you. It really does. So you'll want to find items, talk to everyopne you can talk to, Every character in the game has a problem, some are obvious, some aren't at all, & it may be by complete coincidence that you realise something has to be done, all the toys are alive, & the humans, animals & toys will help you get through the game.

Another thing, sidequests? Look no more!! There is SO MUCH TO DO in this game, you will very often be confused with what is the actual story, & what are sidequests, & they merge at times, quite a few of the side quests can't be done until you've completed the main game, there is a stickers screen, for every sticker, there is a sidequest, & forgive me if I'm wrong, but there are even more than that! So you'll be kept going.

Next, the story, it's amazing, completely immense, it doesn't seem it at first, but you genuinly get attatched & you start to care for the characters in the game, & you want to solve their mysteries & problems, because you'll not only get some really cool & often humerous or really sad cutscenes, but you'll get happy points too, if you get tons of happy points, you'll get battery power, which will let you explore the house even more, which is massive to you, some places seem impossible to get to at first, but they really REALLY aren't, I've completed every side quest & found everything (I think!) & it's not impossible! This is a smilie Dying isn't so much the problem in this game, it's what you have to do, it's the puzzling, sometimes it's SO OBVIOUS, it was there the whole time, in your face, but you don't realise it until after you've done everything else!! The story is brilliant, it doesn't seem like there is one, but there is, & sometimes it can be really sad. Genuinly, really, I know it's just a game, but there are some moments where you just can't help but feel really sad because of something that's happened...

When you leave the game, there will be no more answers... well maybe... but nearly no more answers!! This is a smilie

Now... playability... well it lasted me more than a week, & Diddy Kong Racing & Soul Calibur II lasted me 3 days... so see how that compares! But it's massive! I think at around, if not at least, 50 hours of gameplay. So definitely a lot!

Music... it's great, it has a style, sort of funky, sort of casual, very basic. VERY. Music sounds when you do stuff, when you run your feet make sort of musical noises, almost every item you use makes a song if you use it in the right way, when you climb ropes, when you jump up a ledge... they all make different noises. Then there's the background music, it really helps with what happens in the story, it can make you feel really sad, like the sad cutscenes do, or make you feel kinda jolly I guess! All the music is wicked, there's nothing I hate, the day time music is basic & funky, the night time music is similar in ways, & it stops half way through night time, then it becomes completely quiet for the last half of the night, it's all about the atmosphere, & everything they did, they did VERY WELL at it.

Now onto the bad points, the graphics are so so, Jenny is annoying at times, & when you complete it, you don't really feel like playing it through again, but I have a strong feeling I'll go back to it eventually, so it's definitely staying in my collection. I've also been inspired to draw a Mang of Chibi-Robo! & I can't wait for the DS sequel, more awesome story I hope!

This game demands justice, it NEEEEEEEEDDSSS to be played beforr it's judged, or it will never get the justice it deserves, I feel so sorry for it, being born onto a dead console, so here's hoping that there is an even better Wii sequel that will grab everyone to Chibi's attention!!! This is a smilie

JoshSL's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (3 Votes)

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