Star Fox Assault (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By Black_Wolf 0 Number of reads 596 Posted 01.06.2005

I really can't decide weather this game is bad or good, but I do know that it was fun while it lasted. First off, the game was waaaaaaaay to short. I got through the whole thing in about two and a half hours, and I really hate short games, then again, who doesn't? Also, the enemies were to easy to defeat. What made up for that mistake is that there were a lot of enimies to destroy. Probably the thing that stands out most in this game is it's massive enviroments. I pretty much got lost on every single mission and then I would eventually find my way out. Especially in multiplayer mode. You would be running around the map, hoping that one of your opponents would pop up so you could blast 'em. The weapon variety is okay, but some weapons are just like other weapons in their category, just more powerful. The difficulty wasn't too challenging, but the difficulty setting was great. Usually in games when you got to choose the difficulty, the enimies just ended up doing more damage to you, their A.I. wasn't improved or anything. However, in Starfix Assault, it's different. You have more targets and enimies to destroy, so you can actually see a difficulty difference. I don't have much more to say about this game except that Nintendo should've focused more on flight missions, 'cause that is what made this series popular, but it doesn't hurt to try new things.

Black_Wolf's Rating Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (10 Votes)

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