Nintendo 64 Sound Quiz #1

Challenge your ears with our interactive sound quiz - how well do you know your Nintendo 64 sounds and music? Win Cubed3 stars!

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1) Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound sample originate from?

Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Donkey Kong 64
b) Mickey's Speedway USA
c) Conker's Bad Fur Day
d) Banjo Tooie

2) Which Nintendo 64 game do these sound effects originate from?

Which Nintendo 64 game do these sound effects originate from?

a) Mario Kart 64
b) Mario Party 3
c) Super Smash Bros
d) Mario Tennis

3) Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound sample originate from?

Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Space Station Silicon Valley
b) Perfect Dark
c) Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars
d) Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

4) In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where does Link learn the following song?

In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where does Link learn the following song?

a) Lost Woods
b) Volcano Crater
c) Kakariko Windmill
d) Lon Lon Ranch

5) The following sound clip is the ending jingle for which Nintendo 64 game?

The following sound clip is the ending jingle for which Nintendo 64 game?

a) Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
b) Super Mario 64
c) Super Smash Bros
d) Mario Party

6) Which Goldeneye 64 level does this sound clip belong to?

Which Goldeneye 64 level does this sound clip belong to?

a) Caverns
b) Surface
c) Streets
d) Train Depot

7) Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound clip originate from?

Which Nintendo 64 game does the following sound clip originate from?

a) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 2
b) Flying Dragons
c) Fighters Destiny 2
d) Doraemon 2

8) Which level in Perfect Dark used the following sound sample?

Which level in Perfect Dark used the following sound sample?

a) Datadyne Defection
b) Training
c) Airbase Espionage
d) Area 51 Rescue

9) Which of the following bosses in Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars doesn't use this theme?

Which of the following bosses in Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars doesn't use this theme?

a) Corneria (Easy)
b) Titania
c) Zoness
d) Sector X

10) In the the sample of the DK Rap below, which lyrics follow after?

In the the sample of the DK Rap below, which lyrics follow after?

a) His arms are big, just look at his tail. If you offend him you gotta bail.
b) His big monkey gun, it fires coconuts. But Donkey Kong, he's a klutz.
c) His tie is nice and red. Just one look and he'll get you to bed.
d) His coconut gun, can fire in spurts. If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt.

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Another error, #5 isn't the answer it should be!
(sorry to be all nitpicky like this Smilie)

(edited by Az, just to hide the answer!)

( Edited 01.10.2012 18:30 by Azuardo )

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Yup! SuperLink is right!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'll trust you're both right about this and change it. I wouldn't know about that question. But if you wouldn't mind editing/deleting your post, SuperLink, so that the answer isn't there for everyone to see? ;p

Edit: nvm, edited it myself, since you're not around atm!

( Edited 01.10.2012 18:29 by Azuardo )

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