Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Quiz #2

How well do you know the newest generation in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y? From gym leaders to new Pokémon types, test your Pokémon knowledge on the games with 10 quick-fire questions.

The latest entries in the long-running series take place in an all new world full of classic and undiscovered critters, plus introduces brand new moves, Gym leaders and locations. A bustling 3D world, freedom of movement plus an enhanced battle system make Pokémon X and Pokémon Y two essential releases this generation.

The following questions may contain spoilers for the game, but all of these questions are based on information already announced on the Official Website.

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1) What is the name of the lead Team Flare scientist?

What is the name of the lead Team Flare scientist? a) Xeroflare
b) Xerosic
c) Xeromon
d) Xerocket

2) What does Professor Sycamore give trainers in X and Y?

What does Professor Sycamore give trainers in X and Y? a) A first generation starter Pokémon
b) A bicycle
c) Pikachu
d) A Kanto plane ticket

3) What is Mega Charizard X's ability?

What is Mega Charizard X's ability? a) Hyper Blaze
b) Ice Breath
c) Flying Ice
d) Tough Claws

4) What Pokémon type is new critter Swirlix?

What Pokémon type is new critter Swirlix? a) Fairy
b) Ground
c) Poison
d) Bug

5) Which of these types are fairy Pokémon NOT effective against?

Which of these types are fairy Pokémon NOT effective against? a) Fighting
b) Poison
c) Dark
d) Dragon

6) Which new friend isn't shown in the following picture?

Which new friend isn't shown in the following picture? a) Diantha
b) Shauna
c) Trevor
d) Tierno

7) What's the name of the new Pokémon care system?

What's the name of the new Pokémon care system? a) Poké Pet
b) PokéFriends
c) Pokémon-Breeder
d) Pokémon-Amie

8) How many Pokémon can be stored in the Pokémon Bank?

How many Pokémon can be stored in the Pokémon Bank? a) 5000
b) 3000
c) 2500
d) 1000

9) Where are player's hometown in Pokémon X and Y?

Where are player's hometown in Pokémon X and Y? a) Vaniville
b) Santalune
c) Lumiose
d) Viridian

10) What type Pokémon does gym leader Viola use?

What type Pokémon does gym leader Viola use? a) Water
b) Bug
c) Normal
d) Fairy

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12Hyrule Kitten6/1001:03
16Marcus J. Hopkins4/1001:32

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Probably would have been easier had I waited till I played it Smilie

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

Swirlix89 (guest) 04.12.2013#2

This quiz was great! I hope we can complete more quizzes in future! Smilie

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

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