Zelda: The Wind Waker Quiz #1

How well do you know The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? Find out in the first of our quick fire 10 question quizzes.

Vicious seas, a quirky cast of memorable characters and items made The Wind Waker an instant classic in the ever-growing book of The Legend of Zelda. A firm favourite amongst fans, the GameCube classic is now remade in HD for the Wii U.

How well do you remember The Wind Waker? Test your knowledge in the first part of our quiz.

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1) What job does Orca, the swordsman who teaches link, have?

What job does Orca, the swordsman who teaches link, have? a) Bladesmith
b) Fisherman
c) Town Mayor
d) Treasure Hunter

2) What is Aryll's most treasured item?

What is Aryll's most treasured item? a) Telescope
b) Hylian Shield
c) Joy Pendant
d) Knights Crest

3) What is the name of the original sage of the Wind Temple?

What is the name of the original sage of the Wind Temple? a) Mido
b) Domi
c) Refa
d) Fado

4) What weapon do the stalfos in Wind Waker wield?

What weapon do the stalfos in Wind Waker wield? a) Spear
b) Hammer
c) Dagger
d) Mace

5) On which island is the entrance to the Earth Temple located?

On which island is the entrance to the Earth Temple located? a) Spectacle Island
b) Rock Spire Isle
c) Headstone Island
d) Crescent Island

6) How many floors are there in the Savage Labyrinth?

How many floors are there in the Savage Labyrinth? a) 55
b) 51
c) 50
d) 60

7) What is the name of this rather hungry enemy?

What is the name of this rather hungry enemy? a) Boko Baba
b) Big Baba
c) Mako Baba
d) Quadro Baba

8) What is the name of Tetra's telepathic stone?

What is the name of Tetra's telepathic stone? a) Hero's Charm
b) Pirate's Charm
c) Pirate's Stone
d) Sheikah's Stone

9) Which of the Windfall residents loves ferris wheels?

Which of the Windfall residents loves ferris wheels? a) Salvatore
b) Lenzo
c) Zunari
d) Kreeb

10) Which of these isn't a prize at the Windfall Auction?

Which of these isn't a prize at the Windfall Auction? a) Knight's Crest
b) Piece of Heart
c) Magic Armor
d) Joy Pendant

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
18Harley Dawber2/1001:31
19Marcus J. Hopkins2/1002:02

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How long will this be up? Smilie I only started playng TWW yesterday.... and before that in 2002!

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

That was pathetic.

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

Canyarion said:
How long will this be up? Smilie I only started playng TWW yesterday.... and before that in 2002!

It'll be up as long as C3 is up Smilie This one is a toughie!

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Not bad for not having played Wind Waker since it's original release. 

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

I played the crap out of this game!!! My fav Zelda game!!! Smilie

( Edited 30.10.2017 04:01 by Guest )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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