Do you know... Pokémon Black and White? #3

The third part of our Pokémon Black and White quiz covers the more obscure regions of the Unova knowledge. Can you battle through and win Cubed3 Stars?

May contain spoilers - be to have played Pokémon Black and White before trying this quiz.

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1) Which route in Unova is shown in this image?

Which route in Unova is shown in this image? a) Route 10
b) Route 4
c) Route 9
d) Route 15

2) Which of these is not an evolution stone?

Which of these is not an evolution stone? a) Oval Stone
b) Shiny Stone
c) Ground Stone
d) Sun Stone

3) Fennel is a Pokémon scientist who studies?

Fennel is a Pokémon scientist who studies? a) The Dream World
b) Evolutionary traits
c) Fire Pokémon
d) Pokémon Types

4) Which of these Pokémon is not available in Pokémon Black?

Which of these Pokémon is not available in Pokémon Black? a) Weedle
b) Shroomish
c) Vullaby
d) Paras

5) Team Plasma steals what from the Nacrene City museum in Pokémon Black/white?

Team Plasma steals what from the Nacrene City museum in Pokémon Black/white? a) A Gold Pokéball
b) A Skull
c) Blue Orb
d) Damp Rock

6) This screenshot is from which location in Unova?

This screenshot is from which location in Unova? a) Liberty Garden
b) Pinwheel Forest
c) Oath Woods
d) Twist Mountain

7) Which of these isn't a Pokéstar series?

Which of these isn't a Pokéstar series? a) Brycen-man
b) Time Gate
c) Invaders
d) Conquest

8) How many Dark/Part-Dark Pokémon are there in the Unova Pokédex?

How many Dark/Part-Dark Pokémon are there in the Unova Pokédex? a) 11
b) 16
c) 14
d) 12

9) What time does the Royal Unova depart in the Summer season?

What time does the Royal Unova depart in the Summer season? a) 7:00 - 8:59 PM
b) 4:00 - 6:50 PM
c) 6:00 - 7:59 PM
d) 5:00 - 7:59 PM

10) Which of these trainers don't appear on the Royal Unova boat?

Which of these trainers don't appear on the Royal Unova boat? a) Gentleman Robert
b) Lass Sibyl
c) Prim Peter
d) Lady Elizandra

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