Do you know... Pokémon Black and White? #2

How well do you know the world of Unova in Pokémon Black and White? Test your knowledge in the second part of our quiz. Test your knowledge and win Cubed3 Stars!

May contain spoilers - we advise taking this quiz only if you've played the first game.

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1) Which of these facts about time in Pokémon Black and White aren't true?

Which of these facts about time in Pokémon Black and White aren't true? a) Seasons last 2 weeks
b) Pokémon are no longer found at different times of day
c) Day lasts an hour longer in summer
d) In spring/autumn the time as the same

2) How many TMs (Technical Machines) are in Pokémon Black and White?

How many TMs (Technical Machines) are in Pokémon Black and White? a) 90
b) 95
c) 96
d) 99

3) Which of these isn't a review after a Pokémon Musical performance?

Which of these isn't a review after a Pokémon Musical performance? a) Your Pokémon played its role very well
b) It was not highly noticeable... But I liked it! Keep it up!
c) I will support your Pokémon on the side!
d) Your performance was sublime! I am most proud!

4) Which is the final form of the Pokémon Roggenrola?

Which is the final form of the Pokémon Roggenrola? a) Boldore
b) Conkeldurr
c) Gigalith
d) Sawk

5) Out of the 151 Unova Pokémon, how many are pure/only Fighting type?

Out of the 151 Unova Pokémon, how many are pure/only Fighting type? a) 8
b) 12
c) 7
d) 9

6) Which of these is not a Grass/part-Grass Pokémon?

Which of these is not a Grass/part-Grass Pokémon? a) Deerling
b) Karrablast
c) Whimsicott
d) Maractus

7) Which of these Unova Pokémon can you get a "seen" status for (wild/trainer) without trading?

Which of these Unova Pokémon can you get a a) Vullaby
b) Mandibuzz
c) Rufflet
d) Braviary

8) Which of these isn't a Bug/Poison Pokémon?

Which of these isn't a Bug/Poison Pokémon? a) Sewaddle
b) Whirlipede
c) Venipede
d) Amoonguss

9) Which Badge is required for Pokémon to Obey till up to Level 70 in Black/White?

Which Badge is required for Pokémon to Obey till up to Level 70 in Black/White? a) Jet Badge
b) Bolt Badge
c) Insect Badge
d) Quake Badge

10) Which of these Pokémin can't be found in White Forest?

Which of these Pokémin can't be found in White Forest? a) Oddish
b) Ralts
c) Sandshrew
d) Gastly

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Magna (guest) 14.10.2012#1

Question 8 has 2 possible solutions since two of the options are pokemon which are part grass.

BradyWalker (guest) 21.10.2016#2

wouldn't question 8 be a trick question because it asked which is not a bug and poison type both whirlipede and venipede are bug and poison types but sewaddle is a bug and grass type not a bug and poison type and amoongus is a grass and poison type and not a bug and poison type so wouldn't the answer be both sewaddle and amoongus 

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