Question 8 has 2 possible solutions since two of the options are pokemon which are part grass.
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User | Score | Time | |
1 | JoshSL | 8/10 | 02:14 |
2 | Lantarados | 7/10 | 01:12 |
3 | PMD | 7/10 | 03:13 |
4 | DemonGod666 | 7/10 | 03:55 |
5 | DarkCherryXP | 7/10 | 06:34 |
6 | バンクス アレックス | 6/10 | 01:16 |
7 | WP-Final | 6/10 | 02:03 |
8 | Hyrule Kitten | 5/10 | 07:08 |
9 | AngryPichu | 4/10 | 01:58 |
10 | NathanTheWanted | 3/10 | 02:25 |
Question 8 has 2 possible solutions since two of the options are pokemon which are part grass.
wouldn't question 8 be a trick question because it asked which is not a bug and poison type both whirlipede and venipede are bug and poison types but sewaddle is a bug and grass type not a bug and poison type and amoongus is a grass and poison type and not a bug and poison type so wouldn't the answer be both sewaddle and amoongus