Do you know... Pokémon Black and White? #1

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are now on sale! How well do you know the Unova region? Items, Pokémon types and Gym Leaders, test your knowledge in the first of our quizzes and win Cubed3 Stars!

May contain spoilers - we advise taking this quiz only if you've played the first game.

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1) Which of these areas isn't in the Unova region?

Which of these areas isn't in the Unova region? a) Nacrene City
b) Accumula Town
c) Hearthome City
d) Aspertia City

2) Iris specialises in what type of Pokémon?

Iris specialises in what type of Pokémon? a) Flying
b) Bug
c) Dragon
d) Poison

3) How many new Pokémon were included in the original Black and White games?

How many new Pokémon were included in the original Black and White games? a) 156
b) 151
c) 140
d) 164

4) What does the Pokémon Drilbur evolve into?

What does the Pokémon Drilbur evolve into? a) Rhydrill
b) Excadrill
c) Horndrill
d) Megadrill

5) Which of these Pokémon aren't available in Pokémon Black?

Which of these Pokémon aren't available in Pokémon Black? a) Tornadus
b) Vullaby
c) Misdreavus
d) Mandibuzz

6) Which of these items was available before Pokémon Black and White?

Which of these items was available before Pokémon Black and White? a) Dragon Skull
b) Light Clay
c) Sweet Heart
d) Ring Target

7) Which Pokémon represents March in the Unova Horoscope?

Which Pokémon represents March in the Unova Horoscope? a) Alomomola
b) Scolipede
c) Braviary
d) Gothorita

8) In Black and White 2, Clay replaces his Palpitoad with which Pokémon?

In Black and White 2, Clay replaces his Palpitoad with which Pokémon? a) Flygon
b) Sandslash
c) Claydol
d) Golurk

9) Which of these facts about Nimbasa City isn't true?

Which of these facts about Nimbasa City isn't true? a) Known as the city of leisure
b) Home to Gym Leader Elesa
c) Home to a Stadium
d) Connected to Route 17

10) How to players access Anville Town?

How to players access Anville Town? a) Sailing
b) Through the Battle Subway
c) Battle the Anville Mayor
d) Break through rocks on Route 14

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2Hyrule Kitten9/1001:51
8バンクス アレックス6/1001:17

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LOL. Don't know why I'm bothering.

Question #5 is incorrect.. perhaps the question is supposed to say "Which of these Pokémon aren't available in Pokémon Black?" ?
Because they're all available in Pokémon White except one of them! (who is ironically the answer)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Because they're all available in Pokémon White except one of them! (who is ironically the answer)

I think you meant none of them are available in Pokémon White except the answer? Smilie

Ah whoops - sorry, fixed!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ifrit XXII said:

I think you meant none of them are available in Pokémon White except the answer? Smilie

..Yes. My excuse is I was possibly a little tipsy when I wrote that Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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