Do you know... Final Fantasy? #1

How well do you know Square's famed RPG series? Test yourself on all things Final Fantasy! Do be warned that there may be small spoilers in this quiz.

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1) As of now (2012), how many times has the original Final Fantasy been released (including ported/remade) on Nintendo consoles?

As of now (2012), how many times has the original Final Fantasy been released (including ported/remade) on Nintendo consoles? a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

2) The main heroine of Final Fantasy VI is known by what name in Japan?

The main heroine of Final Fantasy VI is known by what name in Japan? a) Tina
b) Terry
c) Tia
d) Teruna

3) Which of these is not a job in Final Fantasy V?

Which of these is not a job in Final Fantasy V? a) Dancer
b) Geomancer
c) Mystic Knight
d) Defender

4) Which was the first game to introduce summon creatures to the series?

Which was the first game to introduce summon creatures to the series? a) Final Fantasy II
b) Final Fantasy III
c) Final Fantasy IV
d) Final Fantasy V

5) Movers generally reward players with what after defeating them?

Movers generally reward players with what after defeating them? a) Lots of EXP
b) Lots of AP and Gil
c) Elixirs
d) Ethers

6) Stiltzkin does not appear in which of these Final Fantasy games?

Stiltzkin does not appear in which of these Final Fantasy games? a) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
b) Final Fantasy Tactics A2
c) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
d) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord

7) Which is the odd one out in the following list of weapons?

Which is the odd one out in the following list of weapons? a) Gladius
b) Werebuster
c) Holy Lance
d) Orichalcum

8) You spoony...

You spoony... a) ...monk!
b) ...chocobo!
c) ...mage!
d) ...bard!

9) Gilgamesh does not appear in which of these Final Fantasy games?

Gilgamesh does not appear in which of these Final Fantasy games? a) Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
b) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
c) Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
d) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

10) After Final Fantasy VI, what was the next game to release on a Nintendo console?

After Final Fantasy VI, what was the next game to release on a Nintendo console? a) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
b) Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
c) Final Fantasy IV Advance
d) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

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Our member of the week

Just asking but for Question 1 (I got the correct answer), do you count *secret with Az* or not ?

( Edited 02.10.2012 00:24 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

PM'd the reply to you.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
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Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Sorry bout that. Will have to let Jorge know :L

I got question 10 wrong...but if you're going by Japanese release dates, I'm pretty sure my answer's right? Smilie

EDIT: Great quiz, though - very tough Smilie

( Edited 03.02.2013 10:46 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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