Distorted N64 Image Quiz #2

The second part of our distorted Nintendo 64 quizzes - can you reveal the hidden games?

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1) This distorted artwork is of which Nintendo 64 game?

This distorted artwork is of which Nintendo 64 game?
a) Fighter's Destiny 2
b) Milo's Astro Lanes
c) Jet Force Gemini
d) Sin & Punishment

2) This distorted screenshot is from which dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

This distorted screenshot is from which dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
a) Forest Temple
b) Spirit Temple
c) Ice Cavern
d) Ganon's Tower

3) Which Nintendo 64 football game has been distorted?

Which Nintendo 64 football game has been distorted?
a) FIFA: Road to World Cup 98
b) J League Live 64
c) International Superstar Soccer 64
d) World Cup 98

4) Who owned this themed board in Mario Party?

Who owned this themed board in Mario Party?
a) Luigi
b) Peach
c) Donkey Kong
d) Yoshi

5) Which Nintendo 64 game has been distorted in this image?

Which Nintendo 64 game has been distorted in this image?
a) WWF WrestleMania 2000
b) ECW Hardcore Revolution
c) War Gods
d) Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero

6) This artwork for a Nintendo 64 game has been distorted. Who was the developer of this game?

This artwork for a Nintendo 64 game has been distorted. Who was the developer of this game?
a) Nintendo EAD
b) Rare
c) 3DO
d) Konami

7) This is a warped screenshot from Diddy Kong Racing. Which vehicles can you use on this track?

This is a warped screenshot from Diddy Kong Racing. Which vehicles can you use on this track?
a) Car only
b) Car, Hovercraft
c) Hovercraft only
d) All vehichles

8) This image is the artwork for which Mario game?

This image is the artwork for which Mario game?
a) Mario Party 2
b) Mario Party 3
c) Mario Golf
d) Mario Tennis

9) This distorted screenshot is of the room before a Poe in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Which Poe is it?

This distorted screenshot is of the room before a Poe in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Which Poe is it?
a) Joelle (Red Poe)
b) Amy (Green Poe)
c) Beth (Blue Poe)
d) Meg (Purple Poe)

10) In this distorted screen of Super Smash Bros, which character hasn't been selected?

In this distorted screen of Super Smash Bros, which character hasn't been selected?
a) Kirby
b) Captain Falcon
c) Yoshi
d) Luigi

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