Do you know... Sonic the Hedgehog? #1

Too fast for the naked eye, Sonic the Hedgehog! How well do you know SEGA's iconic mascot? Find out in our 10 question quiz. May contain spoilers!

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1) What are these robots called?

What are these robots called? a) G.U.N
b) Mono Beetle
c) Flight Pod
d) S.C.A.M

2) Which one of these isn't a track in Sonic Riders?

Which one of these isn't a track in Sonic Riders? a) Egg Factory
b) Hidden Palace
c) Metal City
d) Green Cave

3) Which of these facts about Planet Wisp isn't true?

Which of these facts about Planet Wisp isn't true? a) Drill Wisp doesn't appear in the Wii version
b) Eggman is renovating
c) Has 6 acts in the Wii version
d) The Wii version's boss is Big Boy

4) What does this Wisp do to Sonic?

What does this Wisp do to Sonic? a) Allows Sonic to attack enemies in laser patterns?
b) Allows Sonic to drill underground
c) Turns Sonic into a Rocket
d) Makes Sonic Invisible

5) What is the name of this stage in Sonic and the Black Knight?

What is the name of this stage in Sonic and the Black Knight? a) Dark Hollow
b) Deep Woods
c) Shrouded Forest
d) Misty Lake

6) What's the name of Amy Rose's hammer?

What's the name of Amy Rose's hammer? a) Tornado Hammer
b) Amy's Hammer
c) Rose Rush Hammer
d) Piko Piko Hammer

7) Sonic Adventure was first released in what year in Europe?

Sonic Adventure was first released in what year in Europe? a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2001

8) In the TV series Sonic Underground, what instrument does Manic the Hedgehog play?

In the TV series Sonic Underground, what instrument does Manic the Hedgehog play? a) The Drums
b) Guitar
c) Saxophone
d) Keyboard

9) What was the original name for Sonic the Hedgehog?

What was the original name for Sonic the Hedgehog? a) Mr. Prickly
b) Mr. Spikey
c) Mr. Needlemouse
d) Mr. Speed

10) What Sonic game wasn't on the Sega Master System?

What Sonic game wasn't on the Sega Master System? a) Sonic Chaos
b) Sonic Spinball
c) Sonic the Hedgehog 2
d) Sonic the Hedgehog 3

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User Score Time
1Ken Rao10/1000:36
13MK7 Master2/1002:29
15SirLink 1/1001:29
16Knuckles The-echidna0/1039:36

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Dang it. I should have got them all right Smilie

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