Do you know... The Legend of Zelda? #2

Another trip to the Library of Hyrule maybe in order - can you tackle ten more questions from the world of The Legend of Zelda? May include spoilers!

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1) Pieces of Power in Link's Awakening do what to Link?

Pieces of Power in Link's Awakening do what to Link? a) Double his speed/attack
b) Transport him to Dark World
c) Are collected to find the Triforce
d) Turn Link into different animals

2) How many treasure charts can players find in The Wind Waker?

How many treasure charts can players find in The Wind Waker? a) 50
b) 39
c) 41
d) 48

3) What do these two characters, Potova and Joanna, do in The Wind Waker?

What do these two characters, Potova and Joanna, do in The Wind Waker? a) Build boats
b) Spread rumours
c) Sell link Treasure Maps
d) Sell tea and coffee in their café

4) Which game isn't present on the Collector's Edition disc for GameCube?

Which game isn't present on the Collector's Edition disc for GameCube? a) Majora's Mask
b) A Link to the Past
c) Ocarina of Time
d) The Adventure of Link

5) What item does Link uncover in the Eastern Palace in A Link to the Past?

What item does Link uncover in the Eastern Palace in A Link to the Past? a) Lantern
b) Magic Hammer
c) Fire Rod
d) Bow

6) What is the name of this Twilight Princess character?

What is the name of this Twilight Princess character? a) Beth
b) Telma
c) Hena
d) Ilia

7) Which of these facts about Ordon Village in Twilight Princess isn't true?

Which of these facts about Ordon Village in Twilight Princess isn't true? a) The shopkeeper has a pet cat
b) Has a waterwheel
c) Sera is pregnant with a child
d) Ordon Ranch herds goats

8) Which of these facts about the Giant's Mask isn't true?

Which of these facts about the Giant's Mask isn't true? a) Drains magic
b) Can only be used in the Stone Tower boss room
c) Doubles Link's attack power
d) Increases Link's height

9) Which shop in Majora's Mask is this?

Which shop in Majora's Mask is this? a) Honey & Darling's Shop
b) Town Shooting Gallery
c) Lottery Shop
d) Treasure Chest Shop

10) Which of these facts about the Great Fairy's Tears is true?

Which of these facts about the Great Fairy's Tears is true? a) Wears off if Link is hit by an enemy
b) Given to Link by Jovani
c) Turns Link a golden colour
d) Increases Link's speed

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

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1SirLink 6/1001:40
12Hyrule Kitten3/1001:44

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Damn, SirLink beat me on this one! Smilie

You should also keep in mind that I'm really screwed in some cases because I've played them in German. Smilie

SirLink said:
You should also keep in mind that I'm really screwed in some cases because I've played them in German. Smilie

There was a couple of more questions I could easily get, if I put more thought into them. A couple of them caught me out. xD

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