Do you know... Donkey Kong? #1

How well do you know Nintendo's King of the Jungle, Donkey Kong? Test your simian knowledge in ten quick questions. May contain spoilers, and bananas!

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1) What is the name of this classic Donkey Kong enemy?

What is the name of this classic Donkey Kong enemy? a) Dustmin
b) Meat
c) Kremlinbin
d) Koin

2) Which of these facts about Chunky Kong is not true?

Which of these facts about Chunky Kong is not true? a) Owns an aeroplane
b) He uses a pineapple shooter
c) Eats banana burgers
d) Is found in Frantic Factory in DK64

3) Bramble, a bear in Donkey Kong Country 3, is interested in?

Bramble, a bear in Donkey Kong Country 3, is interested in? a) Flowers
b) The ladies
c) Video Games
d) Bananas

4) The Kremlings don't appear in which Donkey Kong game?

The Kremlings don't appear in which Donkey Kong game? a) Donkey Kong Land 2
b) Donkey Kong Country: Returns
c) Donkey Kong 64
d) DK Jungle Climber

5) Which of these is not a Donkey Kong course in the Mario Kart series?

Which of these is not a Donkey Kong course in the Mario Kart series? a) DK's Snowboard Cross
b) Jungle Falls
c) Banana Ruins
d) Funky Stadium

6) Donkey Kong steals what in Mario vs. Donkey Kong?

Donkey Kong steals what in Mario vs. Donkey Kong? a) Melons
b) Bananas
c) Mario Toys
d) Bongos

7) Hornet Hole is a level in which Donkey Kong game?

Hornet Hole is a level in which Donkey Kong game? a) Donkey Kong Country
b) Donkey Kong Country 2
c) Donkey Kong Land 3
d) DK: Jungle Climber‎

8) Karate Kong is the King of which Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat world?

Karate Kong is the King of which Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat world? a) Pineapple Kingdom
b) Apple Kingdom
c) Banana Kingdom
d) Orange Kingdom

9) What is the name of this DK: King of Swing area?

What is the name of this DK: King of Swing area? a) Ship Land
b) Lockjaw Lagoon
c) Pirate Cove
d) Aqua World

10) Which Donkey Kong game did Japanese developer Paon not make?

Which Donkey Kong game did Japanese developer Paon not make? a) DK: King of Swing
b) DK: Jungle Climber
c) Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
d) Donkey Konga 2

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Matthew (guest) 15.04.2014#1

Number 6 is wrong.

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