The Legend of Zelda Enemies Quiz

Big and bad or small and menacing, which of these foes from the Legend of Zelda series do you recognise?

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1) What is the name of this Zelda enemy?

What is the name of this Zelda enemy? a) Chainfoe
b) Ball & Chain Trooper
c) Swingamite
d) Throwfoe

2) What is the name of this Zelda enemy?

What is the name of this Zelda enemy? a) Octokid
b) Baby Dodongo
c) Blastworm
d) Flailant

3) This enemy, a Bombling, was found in which game?

This enemy, a Bombling, was found in which game? a) The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
b) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
c) The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
d) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

4) What is the name of this Zelda enemy?

What is the name of this Zelda enemy? a) Wobblezap
b) ChuChu
c) Goop
d) Eléchu

5) This enemy, the Lanmola, was located in which dungeon in the Legend of Zelda?

This enemy, the Lanmola, was located in which dungeon in the Legend of Zelda? a) Level 7
b) Level 6
c) Level 8
d) Level 9

6) The Bokobkin was not in which game?

The Bokobkin was not in which game? a) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
b) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
c) The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
d) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

7) The Octorok fire what from their mouthes?

The Octorok fire what from their mouthes? a) Rocks
b) Milk
c) Fire
d) Leaves

8) How does Link evade Phantoms in Phantom Hourglass?

How does Link evade Phantoms in Phantom Hourglass? a) Use the Lens of Truth
b) Stand in a Safe Zone
c) Throw a Bomb
d) Fire a Light Arrow

9) In Ocarina of Time which of these facts about the Tektite isn't true?

In Ocarina of Time which of these facts about the Tektite isn't true? a) The blue are twice as strong as the red
b) Throwing a Deku Nut makes it dance
c) Can be flipped using the Megaton Hammer
d) Are immune to Din's Fire

10) The Wallmaster doesn't appear in which game?

The Wallmaster doesn't appear in which game? a) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
b) The Legend of Zelda: The Legend of Zelda
c) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
d) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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2SirLink 9/1001:18
6Hyrule Kitten7/1001:00

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