By Luna Eriksson 04.05.2015
For years fans of the Pokémon franchise have wanted to be able to play it in a big online environment, with roaming trainers from around the world to team up or compete with - a massive multiplayer online Pokémon experience. However, for just as long, Nintendo has not listened to that and has not made said online Pokémon experience itself, instead offering things like the Dream World. Over the years, this has led to groups of fans taking it upon themselves to create something they want, with heavily varied results that have often, sadly, ended up quite disappointing. However, now Minimon has entered the stage and looks to give players something without stealing anything away from the single-player side. Will it be polished enough and capture the magic of the original series or merely fall flat? Read on as Cubed3 goes hands-on with Minimon…
Too many times fans of the Pokémon franchise have taken it upon themselves to make an MMO title that ignores anything related to intellectual property. Minimon simply takes the same concept and works from there. The developer has not only chosen to take a much-loved idea and add online features, which in itself is a daunting task due to the fine balancing issues required to replicate the Pokémon magic, but it has even decided to implement several creative mechanics of its own. The most outstanding mechanic at this point in time is the fact that besides having creatures fighting, the trainer also joins the brawl, creating a wonderful twist as they can be equipped with various things, adding new RPG mechanics to the mix.
Another very great and appreciated feature in Minimon, that even other MMO giants should take a lesson from, is that it allows people to play on their own local PC, offering split-screen multiplayer for up to four players on separate accounts. This is a wonderfully fun feature, being able to switch from friends to the wider world as desired. This looks like a game with the potential to become what the fans have wanted all these years. However, it still needs a lot more work before the final judgment can be passed. There are several bugs - not referring to the small fighting critters! - in need of fixing, as well as a need for a lot of more content before it can even reach the same ballpark as the Pokémon.
The concept of Minimon is wonderful and something that has been asked for by the Pokémon fan base time and time again, with Nintendo not yet making a move in that direction. The fresh and creative features added by the development team helps to distinguish this from other clones, thankfully, and could add a lot of value to the gameplay when everything is said and done. If sharpened enough, and sufficient care is given to the balancing, Minimon might truly become the next giant on the playground and one of the better MMORPGs on the market. The options between playing single-player, local multiplayer, or online adds something for everyone and creates a pleasant environment that does not restrict gamers, showing that this is truly a game made by fans for the fans. Cubed3's curiosity and anticipation are peaked, so a close eye will be kept on Minimon to see where the project heads.
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