Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (Wii) Preview

By Calum Peak 15.06.2010

Review for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock on Wii

Guitar Hero is one of those franchises that has had its ups and downs, which makes it incredibly hard to tell what direction each new entry will take. Will it borrow from its Harmonix-developed counterparts and feature band-oriented themes? Or will it go the route of the original three Guitar Hero releases? Activision have announced that they will be bringing Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock to all three home consoles later this year, but will it be the shredding-heavy ordeal it appears to be?

The sixth (seventh? eighth? It's getting hard to keep track.) instalment in the Guitar Hero series features an 'in-depth' — compared to previous titles — story. Fate would have it that the demigod of rock and a certain beast are fighting against each other using the power of ripping it up on the frets. However, the demigod loses his guitar and chooses several warriors — which happen to be members of the regular cast such as Axel steel and Co. After picking the warriors, the demigod sends them all on an epic quest featuring some pretty brutal cut scenes that boast album artwork-inspired visuals voice acting by Gene Simmons, the freaky tongue Kiss legend.

Not only has the art style of the game been revamped, but when the characters enter ‘Warrior Mode’ their entire look changes. Jhonny Napalm now looks like some kind of mad and demented rockabilly hell spawn that rampages about the stage. An advantage of warrior mode? Each warrior gets their own specific powers such as the multiplier not dropping below 2x or a miss note shield to stop you losing your multiplier if you miss two notes consecutively. All of this is done so that players can boost the amount of stars that they can earn for each song. That’s right! The traditional scoring system for single player modes is gone. There will also be a quick-play plus mode in which you can combine warrior’s powers to generate as many stars as possible — the maximum being thirteen.

Screenshot for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock on Wii

In addition to single player modes, Activision were keen to show off their new guitar peripheral. Gone is the conventional guitar, replaced by a more customisable model with the inner workings of the five buttoned plastic rock machine inserted into the neck (Wii remote and all). This allows not just faceplate customisation, but also the option to change the wings of the guitar. This means you could quite literally have an axe if you so fancied, or you could play with just the bare neck of the machine! On the multiplayer side of things, Warriors of Rock will feature the same seamless drop-in, drop-out game play with Mic, Drums, Bass, Guitar for the whole party to play. Sadly (or not?), however, Activision have excluded the DJ Hero accessory. Players will also be able to take on other bands from around the globe online with the new band Vs band mode.

Activision have narrowed down the breadth of the tracks on offer, focusing primarily on rock music and leaving other tracks to the likes of Band Hero(Side note: there won’t be a Band Hero this year). Warriors of Rock will feature over ninety songs with tracks from the likes of Slipknot, Muse, Black Sabbath and Queen. Activision have also upped the ante slightly and hired David Mustain from Megadeath to write a new final track for the game. This took several attempts as Activision wanted to ensure the track would be as challenging as possible — surpassing Dragonforce’s Through the Fire and Flames from Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock. Inevitably, where masters have been impossible to acquire for whatever reason, cover tracks are featured instead, but Activision have endeavoured to make sure that the majority of the ninety tracks are original masters.

Screenshot for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock on Wii

Final Thoughts

Warriors of Rock boasts a few new game modes, a new set list of music, and a new controller, but not much else for previous players. The game's developers seem to be returning to the franchises' core elements — employing lessons learned along the way by working with artists to bring new challenges. Previous DLC will be compatible (with the new 13 star challenge, too) and the Recording Studio in which players can mix up to 20 loops will also return. At the end of the day this is more of the same Guitar Hero you already either love or hate, with little new to change your mind.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


It's a double sided knife here.
You may all want to praise Rock Band 3 for it's great profi mode, but when stripped to the bones, I don't see what's wrong with this approach. Friends kind of complained about the story being too off the tail, but I like them focussing back on rock tracks, taking their beloved avatars and do something with them.
Guitar Hero's gameplay and plaing it's Highway always felt better and more comfortable for me as compared to Rock Band 2.

But RB2 had by far the greater lineup. I was kind of alienated, that a lot of rock hymn weren't available on Guitar Hero. Where's Stairway to Heaven, where's Guitar Hero Queen, where are the great tracks you got thrown at you on every CD-compilation? Where's Toto, Nightwish, Genesis or Summer of '69 and the like?

A game like this is only as good as it's tracklist. And sadly Rock Band 2 got me more impressed, regardless of the fact, that I love playing GH more.

And: I want to import all the tracks from Guitar Hero Greatest Hits (don't know it's US name), I want the best tracks from GH 1-3 as DLC, I want them all, not just 5 of them. Rock Band got a chunk of them as DLC. Why not Guitar Hero? Did Harmonics take the license with them to MTV and EA?

And 2: GH6, do load a preview from SD card when assembling a playlist. I hate it to always play the same old song and dance (if you allow me to quote Aerosmith) instead of showing them new and great DLC they don't know by name!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!


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