It's a double sided knife here.
You may all want to praise Rock Band 3 for it's great profi mode, but when stripped to the bones, I don't see what's wrong with this approach. Friends kind of complained about the story being too off the tail, but I like them focussing back on rock tracks, taking their beloved avatars and do something with them.
Guitar Hero's gameplay and plaing it's Highway always felt better and more comfortable for me as compared to Rock Band 2.
But RB2 had by far the greater lineup. I was kind of alienated, that a lot of rock hymn weren't available on Guitar Hero. Where's Stairway to Heaven, where's Guitar Hero Queen, where are the great tracks you got thrown at you on every CD-compilation? Where's Toto, Nightwish, Genesis or Summer of '69 and the like?
A game like this is only as good as it's tracklist. And sadly Rock Band 2 got me more impressed, regardless of the fact, that I love playing GH more.
And: I want to import all the tracks from Guitar Hero Greatest Hits (don't know it's US name), I want the best tracks from GH 1-3 as DLC, I want them all, not just 5 of them. Rock Band got a chunk of them as DLC. Why not Guitar Hero? Did Harmonics take the license with them to MTV and EA?
And 2: GH6, do load a preview from SD card when assembling a playlist. I hate it to always play the same old song and dance (if you allow me to quote Aerosmith) instead of showing them new and great DLC they don't know by name!